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/pol/ - Politicoal

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File: 1732707556104.png (51.75 KB, 1280x853, 1732707553413.png)


>if i was the swarthiest sun kissed shitskin on the planet i would still be a gorillion times whiter than the average serbitch. nuke serbia


nuke belgrade


shes right


you're brown and obsessed faggot get out of my thread


File: 1732708258574.png (100.9 KB, 981x1608, brown troonjak speechbubbl….png)


wat a fail


why are lviiv cucks so brown and anti white holy shit


File: 1732708307418.png (11.69 KB, 156x255, 1732708300904.png)


thats aryan chinnycuck


you are very clearly not lv8v

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