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File: 1719523233046.png (8.51 KB, 600x520, soyjak 20 (3rd).png)

 No.3415[View All]

Are the frootcord leaks real
528 posts and 111 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


how do you know this information?


someone go get turkey tom to talk about this


File: 1719623749313.png (144.03 KB, 540x609, da4f6f4f870ce00acdc856763c….png)

>Frootcord leaks


sh*rtyshits would probably target him then


not our problem aldoebeit


Oldteens are underrated, we can understand that using the site for a while indicates you're loyal to it while also avoiding the ossified anti-newgod-faggotry that 4cuck has.


Kuz is a histrionic larper and imageboard autist who stole his identity from an old 9channel admin, created some lore to fill in the hiatus between that admin and himself, and has changed his gimmick at least 4 times now.
>oldfag tranime lover who loves heyuri (this was the most pure form of him)
>menacing kolyma cybercriminal with stalinist undertones
>muslim cypriot who loves genghis khan and calls himself temucin
>american PATRIQT MAGA christian who stands back and stands by


being obsessed with things and playing interesting roles is le bad? i don't see why people focus on that over focusing on the fact that he grooms little boys


Playing interesting roles is awesome.
>he grooms little boys
Does anyone else remember kolyma dating and the kolyetsmol?


yes, but gore loving "foodist tier cuck" applies to the average chud, also the part about Kuz you completely made up, because there was nothing concrete on him in these leaks.


what would he even say? he could talk about the datamining, but
probably wouldn't be too popular compared to regular eceleb drama roundups


im of the opinion that the goth shit is probably fake but there is a strong case for kuz being a groomer. the sobot shit did happen and people just pretend it didnt because kuz paid a nigger to pretend to be sobot. sobot being a young polish boy whos family moved to argentina. doll says he feels bad for sobot but he did nothing to protect or get sobot out of that situation. really i hope all these people die


why do you trust anything doll says


i dont i was saying that as a point against doll, he swept up for a pedophile and covered it up for like over a year and then now tries to act like he felt bad for the poor groomed child even though doll himself facilitated it


i dont trust what doll says because he is very suspicious. you should not trust doll either. if he says something i dont go away thinking he was truthful. i go away thinking he said that and nothing more.


That's skajyos thoughbeit


Skajyos are from jarty though and likes 'lita


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>an adult man encouraging teenage boys to age regress, talk like babies and draw/post art of grown bearded men sucking pacifiers is not a weird age regression fetishist






archive this thread


Pin this thread



Thank you. Now why are these revelations important? Is it because these people revealed are being hypocritical to soy-based morals?


>the soysphere hates datamining
<they do it anyway and harder than anyone imagined including datamining computer specs and open apps on your pc, literally making it a spyware site
>they go on about how evil dnb is
<they find it funny and only banned it for hosting reasons
>soyteens want to be left alone
<they're planning more dramatic events
>the soysphere wants admin transparency
<doll still there after apparently he quit, root takes on a fake persona after pretending he quit, nudev is actually babybot operator ronald, manager is actually the marge.moe operator and shemmy/zarty spammer
>the soysphere wants genuine interactions
<froot and root admit to taking public relations tours on soyjak.blog which they dont care about
>the soysphere cares about privacy and anonymity
<ronald and the manager talk about downloading rootkits for mobile visitors. literal malware/virus site
>soyteens want more oc and most want the return of a smaller coal police to fight the wave of coaly NAS
<no posts being moved to alt boards except for good bait, random nas stays on /soy/
>soyteens want rules to be enforced or removed entirely
<admins admit to giving special users special treatment, like not banning pingas man most days even though every post he makes breaks the anti-avatar rule
>soyteens mostly endorse black gore posting
<admin refuses to reinstate it and wiped it from the 'ru while privately loving it


All true except the last one


>he doesnt know about the original ban that was reverted


File: 1719669758099.png (20.79 KB, 775x962, 14777 - SoyBooru.png)

I second this. I don't want to see gore or porn at all. It has no place whatsoever


File: 1719670665881.gif (35.38 KB, 220x211, pepe-laugh.gif)

>cobshitters are SFWsissies


Everything true except the last one. Gore posting SUCKS.




Froot won albeit






upping this so it doesn't die


should I move this thread to >>>/sgp/?


Yeah sure, it won't ever die there


the sharty is basically on life support at this point


File: 1719789401276.png (95.15 KB, 601x1018, neutralfdl.png)

>bullshit translation: I'm a petty man child who threatens to break shit when things don't go my way.


>China is thousands of miles away, it doesn't matter.
…errh is anyone gonna tell him?


File: 1719789984546.png (181.92 KB, 785x731, CRY me a river.png)

>oh no they are improving security meaning I can't spam disgusting shit anymore!
>the sharty has fallen, trillions must be doxed.




frootpedocord's strongest soldier


File: 1719851785378.png (126.82 KB, 536x519, 1718765547537078.png)

what the fuck happened to my beloved jannybros


Oh, what has happened to my soyjak posting website? Once brimming with glistening gems, now only a pit of coal, fire, and brimstone. Froot (Admin 6) has damned the sharty to hell.


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kek posting this doll seetherald


File: 1720315831727.png (80.05 KB, 329x502, ClipboardImage - 2024-07-0….png)

This is just some guy sperging about Doll doe


don't let them memoryhole this


real as it gets


>Hes a unironic faggoy
>He crossdresses, or atleast thats what he told me
can you share a screenshot of the dms?

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