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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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 No.3415[Last 50 Posts]

Are the frootcord leaks real


Its from an afterparty user retard. Of course they're not


It's from a frootcord user genius. Of course they are


Hello frootcord


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yes, doll (WARDEN) has the same user id in there. it also confirms he lied about not being involved anymore.


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bruh moment


Discord isn't inherently bad doe, it's basically just the same as having a reddit or an instagram or whatever. What matters more is the servers he's on. Which are probably le bad if they're associated with the sharty doe, but your leak thing doesn't show any


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yea and wasnt froot saying that doll would be gone from the sharty


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coping this hard.


Go back affypedo


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the real soyvil war 5 begins.


I'm not. I actually hate doll, too. You just need solid evidence of him doing something le bad, having a discord doesn't automatically make him a jartypedo child molester. Although I'm generally against the idea of discord bc every server is infested with trannies that talk about shoving things up their butt all day even in completely unrelated servers & they want children to groom


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so does the shemmy win from all this?


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>they are talking about me ban evading in there
obsessed cord trannies


he doxxed our admins and send the botter to constantly attack this place


You backstabbed me, quote.

I could tell pretty well the others were fucking with me…


was he your friend or something?


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reposting the needful


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sorry man
if it's any consolidation, it means doll wasn't lying to you when he said it wasn't ronald


>I love STRAIGHTgeleno but he gets mogged by ronnyroo
Root said this… I'm sorry for you


I guess. I doubt that the shemmy will ever really gain traction with the current post quality and pph here. I hope that someone grows some balls and makes a splinter without any connection to old sharty admins at all. Even I'm still weary of this site after the doll drama and angeleno… aldoe I like leno somewhat


Ronald wasn't the botter. It was quote, the manager.


holy esl, consolation


Hyperborean trans mcdonalds wagie


we have to ruins dolls life and his family until he leaves the internet forever


Do you know the cordnigger that posted the leak and banned everyone




I will never look at the sharty leadership the same way. Doll, froot, root, quote, Ronald.
It's going to be hard to mend.

Even the affy is nowadays better since they're at least friendly towards me.


btw janny its not illegal to threaten to do this as long as it doesnt involve violence


Please hack the sharty


Yes he DMed me right after he did it


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Ronald is connected to the sharty admin team? I only remember him making anti spam/'p measures, and him hosting a few sites like the bunker. I don't even remember the urls, but he also had a chatroom that he used for contact

Yeah uh don't get me in trouble or anything


Is he the shemmy or sharty admin




btw even your favorite marge.moe archive website is owned by a corder who datamines your ips and page views


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no it was a moderator who leaked and mass banned not a manager or admin


A well-meaning 'jakker…


Who is quote


Tor browser and/or archive.ph thoughie


most unnecessary blurring award


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I actually feel sorry for you, 'leno. Also, Froot kind of shittalked you.


yea i realized myself that i censored the website but not the cord link like a idiot


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What is xe apologizing for?


Yeah. Maybe if he reformed the site a bit, it could grow… we'll see


logan cooper is sad now geg


btw we will never forgive you logan, we will ruin both your life and your family's


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>btw we will never forgive you logan, we will ruin both your life and your family's


sharty administration is jewish, backstabbing, lying, greedy, and selfish. we really are Palestinians.


"stop torturing angeleno" made me laugh




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So is Ronald nudev?


I already was shaky on continuing browsing it, now I have all the proof I need to never do it anymore. Shemmy and Zarty here I stay



Doll did some declaration of war and started doing a bunch of posts, then quote started spamming the site so then I blocked him on telegram. He not blocked currently tho.
Froot has a background with validls so that makes sense.


Why would you allow froot to leech off your servers for 5 months though


'leno you should stop using der cord doe its bad optics use XMPP and email or something


>Quote / Mud [MANAGER] | User: pear_42314 UserID: 1153824486378971136 | Runs marge.moe, runs ronald's babybot on the shemmy and other imageboards

Uh oh, xisters…


he uses discord matrix and telegram thoughie


Please shut down this site. Its the only way to end of this drama


kys root


'cord agent right here


Kys ronald


i thought you'd doxed me for a second, that looked like a userstring or something




FNWO's strongest solider


bait from froothio


fact or cap


Its the only way to stop the 5th soyvil war


It was meant to be temporary. I started disliking the direction froot was taking the website, turning it into more of a dox/harassment site. I gradually left, leaving admin, but staying to maintain the servers. I started getting mad at froot for not moving the servers. He did do a small attempt in January to Hetzner, but they dropped him so I have more time. I then started losing even more patience and froot started ghosting me which is when all those cap posts happened. The move only happened because I started threatening to pull down the website or do a hostile takeover of the site administration.


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I guess us shartycvcks and you shemmycvcks are equal now.


>do a hostile takeover of the site administration.
Angeleno wtf why didn't you do that it would've been so gemmy


even though 'leno uses 'cord cuz he codes and shit




the problem is getting it involved with the soysphere. Also discord is ran by furry pedophiles and there are child groomers who work for 'cord. Also 'corders who use the sharty are all kikes who try to hurt the soysphere.


>Not Froot


i mean, froot still would own the domain lol, he'd just have to point the IP to another server


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i read this like yu


1. I didn't own the domain, do froot would likely have Ronald make a new site.
2. I didn't want froot to retaliate or send the guy from Bakersfield to harass me, but froot was retaliating regardless.


who's the guy from bakersfield


just unban discord at this point every single admin since soot was in some 'cord cabal




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>ermm no we should be pretendnottousetrooncord.party actually


Kys froot


Please do a takeover. Its the only way to end this madness


Given the contents of the messages, and the fact that it's thousands of messages, what do you think?


stop the cap bruh


>take over by leaking in froots 'cord dms


I don't think Angeleno has any access anymore


did you not know, froot changed servers some time ago and cut off angeleno


xe delete xer mod.php account o algo


Like the twitroon ValidLs??


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he doesn't own the servers anymore, also see


holy crickgem


Just bring in a cord isn't ban able already.

Froot said he wanted to destroy all direct sharty splinter sites besides the jarty. I thought stop touching the shemmy but it's not friendly fire to them…


Leno needs to convince sharty mods to rape the site like the affycorder did


holy ESL


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recorded all of it, idk where to put it since its like 150mb


>Just bring in a cord isn't ban able already.


Mega folder?


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if leno does do that at the minimum he's gonna have to wait at least 4-6 weeks
it would be way too blatant to do this immediately


it isnt a secret that froot has always been a treacherous twimmigrant with a boring personality


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litterbox.catbox.moe would be good


>the sharty is Israel
>the shemmy is Palestine
>the affy is Hamas
It all makes sense now


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ill just upload this


And thus the party died on this God's given year of 2024 and on this blessed day of the 28th of June.


I actually talked to ValidLs once in DMs. Hes a unironic faggoy


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Holy shitttttt




I don't wanna bother crawling through all of /soy/ archives


Was /j/ leaked?


doesn't look like it


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>frootcord leaks
<frootcord leaks


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this is so embarrassing soishits…


Are you the corder


I dident mean to delete that…


should've went on it, frootcord was good enough anyways





Please give me a rundown. What is happening


Yea that guy is actually gay. He crossdresses, or atleast thats what he told me


wait, what happened with ValidLs?


what was dolls name on soyjak.blog?


Nope. They said it was mostly empty in the DMS.


I know the most about any of this.
This lines up because, and this is a secret dolly doo told me
He considered Kuz to be like the King of Wei, Cao Mengde
He is a Chinese historical dramaGOD (Aryan)




why is this being treated as such a big deal? theyve admitted that they had a jannycord before


angeleno can you send the jannycord invite pleas


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I realise that an administrator or moderator wouldn't be any better than your average chud, but bloody hell, this is just getting started, and it already seems like the very thing I read right now is your typical 'der cord foodist discussions.


angelo is this true that froot has your dox?




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Chinklarp LE BAD even doe three kingdoms is keyed and tk is 100x better than America hollyjew dramaslop


I was never invited to it. One of the red flags I noticed towards them fucking with me.

It's been on doxbin since like November (affy was not behind it), but froot knew it earlier.


so you have two doxxes?


>affy was not behind it
err who was then xister


I’ve never dug too deep into janny drama but isnt the after clitty le bad?


yeah i think they're 'p spammers or something


They're not.


i heard you could find the link to a 'cord server with a image link from it or something is that true


No they aren't


>were not


source? wasnt that bu5t guy an aftercorder


Tell us more between Froot and ValidLs Aryanleno


no he was a colonycaca


No? Its separate server


Separate server entirely.


ok do they hate each other?


pedocords - colony, qafe
normal, but still cord cords - affy
Correct me if I'm wrong


It's not like they go at war with each other or whatever, but being associated with colony gets you banned from Affy.
This is correct.


groomercords - qafe colony
grooming victim cords - affy


I'm pretty busy currently but I'll look into things more tonight and read everything as well.


Angeleno what do you think is gonna happen could we capitalize on this or something


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And unironically Jartycucks defending pedocord (QAfe) and supporting red


>Claiming that their vantablack pedo "gems" make shartycacas dilate
Average jartycuck classic


Is this another nothing burgerito? I'm a lazy little fuck and not reading thru 200 replies on discord namefags btw


Issa nothing burger
Jannies use cord? Who cares
Doll is a chinklover? Anyone with a brain knew that forever
Nudev datamines us and sells the data to tencent? China is thousands of miles away, it doesn't matter.


File: 1719532354132.gif (1.33 MB, 512x512, chud licking his lips.gif)

dis nigga got the frootcord glow kek
if you know you know.


stop posting this strange gif


Still doing stuff will release a report at 2:00am pacific


tl;dr it was always Da Cord™


like a announcement?




alright ill be waiting


Im not in soycords but I've lurked for a very long time around the soysphere and read through wikis, splinters (even unknown ones like the 8chan /soy/ board) and other forums talking about it.
From what I know
>affy does not spam 'p or if they do they never mention it whenever their server has been leaked (happened many times on KF and kemono.party or kemono.su or whatever)
>affy does not spam lolicon (when our raids on an altchan were derailed by loli porn, the attack stopped when the dox of bu5t, owner of the soyjak.colony discord server widely thought to be a 'p dealer who comvinced 15 year old corder Manglegirl to send him nudes and photos of her cutting her body, was dropped. This happened when we raided a /b/ oldfag tears thread too. Prok0p, another soyjak.colony member spammed manglegirl's nudes here and threatened to rape Scar's (former second head janny here) baby sister.
>affy did derail the attempted dox of an admitted (he said he was a pedophile, i'm not assuming it) pedophilic zellig fan called @zlgfan on twitter, probably because @zlgfan's samefag alternate accounts were major zellig ai porn producers)


bu5t was from a different server called soyjak.colony which is more focused on raids and has 2 major known (unconfirmed but very likely and accused by many) CP spammers like pr0kop and dealers like bu5t
I've not been on any soycords. This isnt a disclaimer either because if being in one was bannable leno would have to ban himself GEG. Stating truth.


This is very clearly ragebait from a smug anti-sharty anti-Lute POV


Ronald is Nudev, he's French, the Taiwan flag he showed on /int/ and /pol/ was a larp


keep posting this normal apng


apng is not the opposite of gif n00b


i dont say everything to be a perfect opposite, I say what i need to contradict the other reply to make xer seethe


they do refrain from saying nothing to be a incomplete identical, they refrain from saying what they have to agree with the related silence to make him calm


webp > all


why cant leno allow webp here?


actually no no no avifaryans won




I will


Also make it 4am not 2


Was nuadmin root






>6am est
yep good night


it's a controlled opposition psyop honeypot to reveal everyone who would go against them. angeleno is still on there team and he is datamining everyone here.


File: 1719561667446.png (42.33 KB, 600x450, mame nate fucking losing i….png)

>it's a controlled opposition psyop honeypot to reveal everyone who would go against them. angeleno is still on there team and he is datamining everyone here.


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proof otherwise you're just a seething nusoitranny



Please tell me eveytging you know about the sharty administration that nobody else knows. Someone has to take action


So has soyvil war 5 begun?


Nah. Not under me.

I'll probably post some "leaks" later as part of the report.


It's simmering, possibly on the edge of starting, but there's no active conflict between us and the sharty so i wouldn't say so


but it's more fun and dramatic with my story.


Could affy vs sharty be considered soyvil war 5


No, especially since this was a one time event


geg they have been attacking this place from the start


Why does Froot and root not do a report?
Are they scared?


I mean among the soyteens too, not just the administrations of the sites


their average user probably doesn't know about the 'cord leak.


who is haley robinson, root?


dude they completely forgot about it, i'm checking right now
and when it first dropped most of the "soyteens" were calling it fake


it's one of doll's family members


Leno, since you can code why dont you make a captcha solving spambot that spams the shit out of the sharty all day? The sharty jannies basically confirmed that They have been running spam bots on the shemmy in the cord leak, you have to retaliate



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1. You need a shit ton of residential proxies and you have to pay for that
2. It looks like Angeleno has a real-life job
3. Dealing with the so called "superban" (superban = cookie + localstorage + cache + browser fingerprint + password)
4. Backlash and then your website being shit up by sh*rtyshits
5. You need to also pay for a hCaptcha solver on top of that to get past McChallenge


jus use iphone with airplane mode lmao


yea but hes talking about a spambot


aldoebeit where is the proof for this, can you link a dox thread or just wherever you found those connections?


it was either here or the /sharty/ board of the jarty


I thought doll was from Russia tho


brainwashed award


look at the mymyspammer's posts on kiwifarms. he was the original maker of the mymy big eye edits in may. he left, new people started spamming them here and on sharty this month. but his kiwifarms account @mymy still exists and his post was there.
i wont link to it because i dont like reposting dox links or dox.


probably the jarty, i saw some shit about how they doxxed doll way back when and put it on "doll.html". couldnt be the shemmy since we've always banned doxxing


we unbanned doxing months ago. /doll.html was on the shemmy.



i wish somebody would put this on kemono or whatever the site that lets you upload 'cord chatlogs is


i personally haven't bothered reading it because i already knew froot and doll and root were discord faggots. hopefully someone will summarize it for me.


the threads on it here had screenshots with everything you'd want to know, ignore the text posts and only read the 'cord screenshots.


okay looks like affy did download the assets


nevermind the assets are from some crawler


I genuinely am not seeing what affy does wrong at this point. They ddosed the site with bots? As if the botter now confirmed to be a mod doesn't do that to us all the time. All the confirmed discord pedophiles like bu5t and pro kop are from the rival soyjak.colony server. Now affy has revealed the truth about frootcord. Why should I hate them?
I'm not in any soycords or discord servers at all. I don't see why I should hate them though.




discord always wins


BNWO trannies who love BBC memes


So? Racebaiting has ALWAYS been /qa/ and sharty culture even though it's cringeworthy.


all 'cord users are pedoes retard (""ironic"" pedophila is also pedophilia btw)


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Still working on the report. Here's froot talking about scamming scar. One of the major reasons I actually started talking to scar.


How big is this fucking leak?


there's probably a infiltrator janny here, you should remove their ability to view post histories or i'll have to post way less so i dont give away key info on me.


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looks like a tranny^


don't contracts require both parties to dox themselves? lol would this even work internationally


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>innocent trans women are bad because…. Because it's getting me so much (you)s hating on them


do you still look like a faggot


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>Gay men are bad


Yes. Yes it is.


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Pagan pedo nazis were fags, color me surprised


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As big as I want it to be.
For all the mods hired under myself, I know them.
Yeah. That's why froot's name was "Froot Orange" and that's why Soyjak LLC is a real company (picrel)
Legally it was a void contract since Froot had ways to back out of it and Scar was under 18 at the time.


File: 1719569314917.mp4 (10.3 MB, 1392x720, KiwiCHADS.mp4)

>Tfw that kiwiposter who constantly spammed bait on the thread was right about everything


You might as well kneel and lick his feet. Mine too


slavs are such niggers they gave the whole ass country an n-word pass


but when scar pays him what bank account does he pay to? wouldnt this have their dox?




i can smell froot's type, he doesn't care about what he looks like or being the lowest of the low, he does these things for pleasure and the feeling of power he can't get irl


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>Doll got baited by the kiwiCHAD


Leak froots doxx


Dox froot


latinxLeno do this


ask scar for his bank account info


We live in a lie….


nusoicacas.. its so over




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This is definitive proof that nuadmin was root. Also this means that the 5 board plan was all just a LARP


'leno where is the report


Everything this month has been a Froot funded circus


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Ok I actually read the leaks finally, now that I'm back. And it truly seems that Froot, Root, Quote, and Doll all backstabbed me. Ronald was there too, but he didn't appear to shit on me.

For a while I knew they were using me, since there were multiple red flags, which I noticed from pretty much everyone, including froot's non-responsiveness on moving things off my own servers, seemingly "corporate style" responses when asking about the sharty, sharty admins getting mad at me knowing who some of the mediators were, not inviting me into the modcord when I was still paying for the website.

Root was asking for forgiveness earlier today, saying he never went against me, and also appeared to lump myself into the affy. Looking at the messages root himself wrote on the cord makes me think these messages are backhanded and possibly hold ulterior motives.

In terms of doll, I called him a backstabbing pos and re-blocked him, because that stuff I saw, tied with more minor stuff (dissing on screamer wiki, etc) made me very much dislike him and get the belief of a nice guy persona. It also makes me firmly believe that he took the shemmy over to destroy it or make it into a controlled opposition website.

Quote is a doll hire and very quickly moved up the ranks, from janny to mod to manager. I didn't really talk to him much and was only able to find he was a manager via osint techniques. He wasn't really someone I thought much about and wasn't really someone I saw having much malice, so this came out of left field. (pic is from a chive i have). I also called quote a backstabbing pos and blocked him.

I have nothing bad to say about Ronald. He seeming is on my defense (or at least not overtly against me) and has attempted to de-escalate the situation.

Screenshot related definitely makes me boil, since it's a lowkey threat. He should know that if he wants to tell me my address for my san bernardino residence, that would be appreciated since I commonly forget it and just get off highway and turn on streets to get there.
This is the same stuff froot did with scar "I knew his dox but was saving it until he pissed me off [paraphrased]." It's a lowkey threat, and it could be extortion (very much illegal). Froot is the biggest backstabbing piece of shit of them all, especially since he is seemingly going after me.

Maybe this isn't the best report and I went on tangents but it's 4 am my head hurts and idk.


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basically this chuddy comic


somebody make an edit of this but with 'leno NAOW


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>words words words
all of this over a bald men with glasses website
cant we get back to trolling each other and outsiders periodically


the jews don't want that
they want ad-friendly stuff


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That's probably never happening anytime soon. If Fr✡️✡️t And R✡️✡️t ever get fired maybe, but i have very litte hope at this point.


If i was admin i'd make this shithole 2016 /pol/ reincarnate.


File: 1719573208229.png (259.7 KB, 1415x879, Rootisafaggot.png)

Look. Root only ”returned” becuse froot thought the drama would be funny


/pol/ was always the best board that's why (((they))) destroy any instance of the board that gets an iq above 100


do this


No, /pol/ and /b/ are the worst boards. That's the point.




And then We make their lives hell


Ronald is a fucking dataminer and the leaks confirm it


File: 1719573527467.gif (681.47 KB, 480x270, kekked.gif)

inb4 quote comes here and tries to suck up to leno


The majority of shartteens today are froot era cattle (even froot has agreed with this before) who don't know anything about the soyical arts and have only ever used /soy/, spva, and the booru (nowhere else in the soysphere). They prefer to be datamined & raped over moving to another site, which is literally the only thing you can do against a sub-Max tier admin. In the future, a culture of hypermobility should be promoted, where users vote with their feet/PPH contribution.
Thank you for this 'leno. I've always known froot and root were twitter/cord immigrants, and that the sharty under their supervision has went in that direction also.


Is this How soyvil war 5 begins?


The internet isn't a paradox game.


its more fun that way doe


What was Froot's relation to kuz?


The internet IS a paradox game.




All of you are so cringe, it's unreal.




geg let them larp as winged hussoyrs


File: 1719573764745.jpg (61.73 KB, 594x797, 73611 - SoyBooru.jpg)

>>>60078 (You)
>>>60071 (You)
>>>60070 (You)
>All of you are so cringe, it's unreal.


All of you are so keyed, it's unreal.


check your email


under normal circumstances froot would be admin six but xhes too boring for that title, 'ximov was so much more interesting and was almost as rotten therefore admin six is max


File: 1719573910080.png (102.13 KB, 1056x1056, ClipboardImage (1) (14).png)



looks like max


Holy fucking shit 'leno declare war on these faggots NOWWWWWW


Max was the best admin we could have ever had


a much more productive option would be at least getting the important users to immigrate, the rest are biomass


Even doe hes depicted as a bibisi jew in drawings therefor he is le bad


File: 1719574150374.png (12.5 KB, 644x800, CE4535D1-1378-4900-8C85-52….png)



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Doll is quay series


File: 1719574181585.png (40.13 KB, 1500x1500, 20156 - SoyBooru.png)

'Leno join the 'Farms and make your grand statement on everything wrong with the FDL so that it won't get slidded from here


Ehhh i guess you got a point but all the people who use the sharty now are gay, id rather the little population of soyteens on /bant/ and /pol/ are encouraged to post here instead


Summer war event thing was also planned in the cord. Froot ordered root to put wordfilters


File: 1719574430540.gif (91.71 KB, 360x346, geglel.gif)

>nobody has posted da dox on doxfarms.party yet


Who the fuck is quote


>i want a little /pol/
enjoy your TND gore spam and dick color obsession


If you stop gooning to gore,loli & shota in your shitty apartment in Paris, than we can.


I had a suspicion that WARDEN was Doll, cuz of that UTTP pfp


File: 1719575122387.png (13.57 KB, 351x120, doll pedo.png)


What's abdl?


Mods ban xim for hurting my feelings @Moderator using offensive language


The UTTP reason is that Doll had a UTTP PFP on the schlog


Adult Baby Diaper Lover, real vantablack niggerstone shit. I knew he was into that though, he loved selfinserting as a baby after all


what is abdl and what was 60122




File: 1719575600000.jpg (37.91 KB, 479x641, It Hurts.jpg)

Wow, my favorite admin admitting to being an ABDL degenerate
Why is every single fucking admin of the sharty some weird piece of shit? I wouldnt be surprised if Soot was secretly a pedophile


we really need to start making more doll edits with all his dox and these screenshots


>anton maximov is vindicated yet again


File: 1719575903247.jpg (91.99 KB, 630x494, a0EiuSotCjc - Copy.jpg)


So why is kuzzy bad again?


he was a literal 'teen and also hosted a website with lolishit 10 years ago somehow or something…. he just is okay????


File: 1719576007699.jpg (39.23 KB, 553x210, Screenshot_20240628_075922….jpg)

he thinks they are funny (they are)


>it's all ironic okay
kys doll


File: 1719576209251.mp4 (2.39 MB, 720x1280, 1686148573744.mp4)

it's not ironic. they are genuinely funny




>Kuzzy was a 7 year old when he posted about loli being hot


check your matrix ‘leno


Lock him up!


The kuz we know is an imageboard autist so obviously learned about the history of 9channel, before stealing the username of one of its old admins.


doll is a married man, almost 40, yet he spends all his time in a discord hanging out with people half his age and acts like a teenager. he has like 500+ messages in that cord in less than a month. are his only friends kids online that glaze him? how embarrassing


He's divorced.


- and pretending that kuz only went on a hiatus and now "he" is back.


that explains why he drinks and talks to teens on discord all day


That's just a really sad low, really. Doesn't he have kids as well? He probably lost custody of them.


Is WARDEN doll or what?


Why is doll skimping out on his wife's ovarian cancer bills…



File: 1719576681080.jpg (133.49 KB, 1280x720, 680QmETkgJo.jpg)

We know that Doll is/was in National Guard, and I wonder if he wasn't just a weekend warrior. Maybe all the trauma and brain damage from chasing sand niggers in Afghanistan caused him to behave this way.


havent you seen those pics of him from like 2 years ago on twitch, hes a fat ugly retard he didnt do shit its a larp


File: 1719576845159.png (324.15 KB, 768x1024, gloink2.png)

>doll was a zogbot


it would be great if someone requested his records but i doubt anyone would do it.


and we could also request the bodycam of when he got pulled over lol


Thats just kuz


Wait he has a twitch


He's almost 40, he could've became a fat fuck later on. Doll acting like a teen reminds me of an army ranger i'm friends with, who was also a sharty poster back in 2022. Doll is just a lot less self-aware about seemingly not changing as a person since his 20's


i recall him saying he was like a corrections guard or something


File: 1719577184236.jpg (16.67 KB, 305x248, 8888.jpg)

>National Guard


File: 1719577322497-0.jpg (16.67 KB, 305x248, 8888.jpg)

File: 1719577322497-1.jpeg (32.13 KB, 474x632, Dolly Doll.jpeg)

No fucking way this is a photo of Doll, what happened to him?


This is what happens to a nigga after he becomes friends with ItalARYANS


Long beards do a great job of making almost everyone look better


>angeleno uses matrix
I have a question, can't your client (even if it's a Tor hidden service) steal your password and your messages? End to end encryption doesn't stop a website from being able to extract what text the client is viewing on it, right? How do you get around this?


This is what happens to a nigga after e becomes friends with an orange xitter immigrant and a stinky pajeetmaggot


r00t confirmed xhe was also an italishit


does doll deserve this mockery and derision? what did he do other than association?


This has to be ironic




No, not in theory


stop worshipping that age regression obsessed pedofaggot, he literally used troonime avatars on steam


No that was someone impersonating xer on the schlog. The real root did another QA on the schlog, I asked xer if xhe was a pajeetmaggot, and xhe said yes


Do you have his steam account?


File: 1719577879082.jpg (47.87 KB, 876x511, IMG_20240628_223053.jpg)

lying fat retard who wants to be an eceleb and grooms teen boys, they laugh at you in their gay discord servers because you eat up their lies


Why is no one on sharty talking about root being nuadmin


No retard, the real ROOT who has admin confirmed she was SHITALIAN


wait be serious, is he actually a groomer + prove it


because they are scared to get banned


the most that came out of this leak involving doll was he saved 20 abdl videos 2 years ago (because they are funny allegedly) and he got in an argument with angeleno which he apologized for


I think he deleted it, btw he went by the profile name "Gramps"


everybody already knew this


File: 1719578034476.png (50.86 KB, 1274x1000, Feels Good To Be Meximutt ….png)

>No retard, the real ROOT who has admin confirmed she was SHITALIAN


it's gone should've archived it


he changed his url, i have it saved on my pc give me 2 mins





I've had better steam names when i was 15 GEEEG


File: 1719578212558.png (68.68 KB, 1259x387, ClipboardImage.png)

>kiwitranny can't admit we're the best site


File: 1719578267471.png (374.1 KB, 1288x448, ClipboardImage.png)


it's damage control geg


Doxx doll


hes already been doxed


leno is too scared to make a pinned thread with his dox even doe it would be perfectly legal


i think lenos trying to be the bigger man, no point lowering urself to the shitpile of the current sharty staff. let them make themselves look bad


probably for the best, it'll just agitate that faggot to start botting our shit again


lol that makes no difference at this point


the bots arent even that bad, they get dealt with pretty quick. idk why they think its a smoking gun, people used to catty wipe the sharty with soyduels and it still grew in users


File: 1719578676655.png (19.31 KB, 520x124, ClipboardImage.png)

>nobody has ever made a bot that spams imageboards before, babybot was revolutionary
most retarded nigger alive


Bots that flooded Chans existed even back then in 2003.
Doll must be a retard.


He's a newfag


but he's like 40


File: 1719578927208.png (246.34 KB, 1507x823, ClipboardImage.png)

bosniacks are one of the most retarded balkan niggers like kek someone sure did struck a nerve in him


Trannies who whine about evil 4chuds on twitter often aren't zoomers either


Kernung is the biggest lolcow of the soysphere


If anymore boorufaggots like kernung join the kiwifarms thread then the 'party will be seen as a laughingstock


i love his posts because i can't tell if they are bait or not


it's already is, one of the active 'party thread posters was a literal discord groomer/foodist


Serbsisters wrote this post btw


File: 1719579261196.png (132.4 KB, 1482x416, ClipboardImage.png)



The return of the king





kuzu come baaaackkkkk


>that last paragraph
geg he's referring to my larp offer to buy this site isnt he

also someone give me a quick rundown of thekuz.win


what are they like


File: 1719579559970.png (86.53 KB, 600x800, hehe.png)



Doll had attempted to delete this page in the past btw


Active poster on that thread. The thread is entirely composed of discord users, wannabe pedo hunters, and miscellaneous posters who are the sovl of the thread


sobot won btw


The kahn speaking a trvke


Kuuuuuuuuuuz come back please you're our only hope


File: 1719579786360.png (11.93 KB, 554x772, smug.png)

Since this thread will probably hit bump limit soon enough, would you like me to keep it stickied or nah?


Yeah <3



soijaks; the same ligth
dataminers horizontally, dataminers vertically
jaks of things. virtual things. represtations of child grooming on discord. mere. less.

there us noone next to you. you are talking to noone you are on the sharty; ran by the cord. wasting your life as "chud" your destroying your life. destroying time like fire never did. Ethonol. Ethernet, doxx, edits, OC.

your time spent here means nothing, contributes nothing. blood runs through your computers wire. hurts like a needle


File: 1719579863139.webm (2.34 MB, 480x848, 1719563191142360.webm)

now that the dust is settled was she in the wrong?


Sticky it.


File: 1719579925019.png (100.25 KB, 1468x401, ClipboardImage.png)

king faggot woke up


why do you always bring yourself up, ur a nobody pedophile pollyanna. the average british person really


froots voice is sounding really shakey rn


don't pretend a chudcel like you wouldn't fuck her


hi logan


File: 1719580242621.png (21.38 KB, 600x800, gapejakworriedafriadsweati….png)

Frootcord is scrambling right now, keep putting pressure shem 'teens.


im not gilman i prefer real ladies sorry sweetie


general 'boorunigger autism, check them out for yourself


Yeah fuck that scouser liverpool pajeetmaggot pedotranny cordnigger shitskin piece of shit


I didn't ask for forgiveness, because I did nothing wrong. I offered an olive branch and you still lumped me in with everything, despite me intentionally keeping a neutral position with you and not raiding your site out of respect. See you, old friend.



nigga get in vc ==QUICK== we are gooning to DD again


File: 1719580484002.png (98.77 KB, 900x900, 1698373197671.png)

>I didn't ask for forgiveness, because I did nothing wrong. I offered an olive branch and you still lumped me in with everything, despite me intentionally keeping a neutral position with you and not raiding your site out of respect. See you, old friend.


you, froot, and doll all need to kill yourselves you retarded faggots


its not the real root dumb nigger


nobody cares about your dead splinter dilation party even the blog is more active




ronald can you remove the captcha from the 'p vault?


File: 1719581853003.png (37.67 KB, 938x248, froot.png)


Its unreal how much they act so fucking comically evil its like you couldent even make this shit it up they talk like comic book villians


>This is the guy seething at muslims


Its as if the logs were faked/keyfabed by affycordniggers


yeah its pretty jarring


>ev&oe root and froot both said the leaks were real


File: 1719582309424.png (19.81 KB, 86x428, ClipboardImage.png)

>10 affyniggers larped for 2 weeks on a random cord to make froot look bad or something
Also: pic from froot
has the same icon as the leaked cord


>affycordniggers had faked a few months worth of logs even though they match with what me, Kuz, and even Leno already knew
KYS froot nobody likes you


Yeaaa but than again i find it odd how if it was faked sharty admins are then going out of their way to supress it and if it was fake you think DOLL, froot, or literally anyone else from the admin team would come out and say something


is that really their new cope? bit late to be saying that after they had a meltie over it. average sharty user probably would believe the logs are fake


then why are all the links real?


Literally nothing contradicts with Froot's behavior as an admin and previous leaks.


Hey Kernüng


No, I believe they (might) be real


You will never be a real bosnian




hi froot


nobody actually thinks this


File: 1719583807393.png (1.72 MB, 2367x1775, ClipboardImage.png)

>You will never be a real bosnian


They are real lol. No staff member denied them being real and there is no evidence of them being faked. Not to mention the other shit that was happening at the same time.


i look like that


My ancient phone loads this multi-hundred thread on the shemmy easily. While in the sharty it struggles to load a mere 100 reply thread. Just how much datamining has frootcord put in there?


learn to soyquote


Ronald's been busy adding more and more. In the leaks the 'cord joked about adding rootkits to download to people's devices.
Never go back.


if it was fake they would be joking about it and publicly saying its fake
its clearly real


It was pretty obvious it was fake if there was a frootcord leak the jannies would’ve banned everyone posting them on sharty


No admin denied it. There's nothing in there that goes against what Froot, Root have done in the past. It's real, everybody agrees that it's real


nudev showed up on sharty /pol/ and never denied any of it. when a /pol/ post said ips were leaked when they werent, a random mod probably root showed up and said No IPs were leaked.
its real


File: 1719596480501.jpg (13.72 KB, 411x201, nusoycacabanner.jpg)

>It was pretty obvious it was fake if there was a frootcord leak the jannies would’ve banned everyone posting them on sharty


Root himself said that it's "2 weeks of me and friends posting laughing pepe to each other" and called the whole ordeal "good publicity." Important to mention how all of the new reacts on the schlog were frootcord reacts


File: 1719596599876.png (365.87 KB, 1887x1030, ClipboardImage.png)

okay, uploaded the whole vid to litterbox. enjoy shemmycacas


>still using frootcord-controlled websites
Enjoy your malware


wasnt the whole leak on the afterparty website?
archive.ph archived it under afterparty.soy's archives


Broot isn't a frootcord member. I HIGHLY doubt he'd just let random faggots add malware onto his site


no thats the frootcord exports this is the video


>let doll be admin
>he would never do anything sketchy guys
Its unlikely it has the same datamining as the rest of the soysphere but I dont trust anything froot gets his disgusting hands on


There is no datamining currently, DOLL mentioned adding mccaptcha and if he does that I'll leave


how do you know that


stop writing his name in full capitals like a worshipper


Because… It's not Doll's site. It's broots, and he hasn't added any datamining yet
I'm just respecting xhis trans identity


>doll is admin
>doll is known for creating multiple personalities
>doll is known for taking over other soy websites
>doll is known for larping
>doll is known for infiltrating
>doll is admin and he immediately pinned this site to the top bar a week after it was made but ITS NOT DOLLS WEBSITE GUYS!


I think the after-party got their leak from a prior leak on discord like a month ago. There's hundreds of millions of 'cord chats publicly available for sale on some obscure forum the breachers post on. This is information is out of memory and could be highly inaccurate but I still think it has to do with that.


Retard, if he was admin he would have talked about it in the cord leaks. He doesn't. Broot just wanted to suck up to an admin and get pinned to the top bar, if he was really doll it wouldn't have gotten off there in the first place


yep, broot is doll


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File: 1719597259774-1.png (19.41 KB, 845x218, ClipboardImage.png)



the chat export is 2 days old


The bad thing is that
>doll admits to being an ABDL porn lover despite being married and having kids
>sharty admins and manager bot competitor sites
>sharty admins and powerful mods post porn on competitor sites
>ronald is nudev
>ronald datamines harder than anybody thought
>ronald and the botter talked about downloading rootkits to browsers' devices, making it a literal malware site
>manager claims to ban DNB because its morally as bad as 'p, turns out it was actually because they couldn't find a server host to allow it and they almost all love it


this guy is an unironic neet of more than 5 years, he overshared in an ama.


Stop this fucking drama


File: 1719597498929.png (357.4 KB, 768x719, ack.png)



a lot of people bait/larp/joke in the soysphere ironically.


>>manager claims to ban DNB because its morally as bad as 'p, turns out it was actually because they couldn't find a server host to allow it and they almost all love it
please point to the part in the leak where i contradict myself, i think you'll find i wasn't involved with that discussion


Oh. so I guess that's not it. Still if any of you use the 'cord you need to know that it's never been secure. Here's what I was trying to refer to.
>Internet-scraping outfit Spy.pet claims to have harvested more than four billion public messages made by nearly 620 million users on more than 14,000 Discord chat servers – and is selling access to this trove.


they is a pronoun for more than one person. most jannies in the server were not against it. froot root nudev were not
who are you are you in the leaks


Public discord is datamine


File: 1719597806338.jpg (252.43 KB, 785x1000, 1592508180901.jpg)

>being a neet… LE BAD


Even doe the second screenshot is taken out of context.


if you thinked something is morally on the level of real 'p, why would you be friends with people who think it's okay and FUNNY?


Go back to talking with your 'cord buddy chud14


File: 1719597900971.png (199.02 KB, 636x512, ClipboardImage.png)

being a neet… LE BAD




too busy botting to answer


File: 1719601848816.gif (926.74 KB, 708x800, meltdown.gif)


File: 1719603269823.png (308.78 KB, 1500x1500, crying feral.png)

TSMT I've been worshipping froot for months now and I was ready to forgive his relentless 'cordfaggotry but he seems to be actually evil


how new are you


holy fuck bros its going down


File: 1719603810051.png (787.17 KB, 1080x1879, ClipboardImage.png)

root blocked me after this message.

It would be unethical and immoral for me to release the personal info of froot or root and pin it. Especially for the former, it would be retaliation, and it's not something I do. Unlike the sharty leadership, I actually have a moral compass.
different people


File: 1719603912344.png (29.59 KB, 1500x1500, feralcalm.png)

december 2023


Weird that root would blocked a close staff member


File: 1719604184601.png (40.07 KB, 188x244, ClipboardImage.png)

Pic related is what gets doll hard btw


There was a REASON why every oldteen hated Froot.


all i know is he joke banned a bunch of furries and ponies, made a thrembillion boards and had a FNAC'cord


Can I get a quick rundown on what the leaks are and why they are important?


He basically forced random garbage because he thought it was funny. Also he had melties over the fact people pointed out he was anti porn yet he posted gay porn (avocado and all the "variants.") He also had melties over the fact people wanted an age requirement for the site that regularly posted gore.
But who am I kidding, you wouldn't really know what the site was like back then. It used to be about posting soyjaks.


File: 1719605066554.gif (2.64 MB, 300x168, 1719586722840.gif)

so tl;dr (correct me if im wrong)
>ronald is nudev
>kuz is a gigalarper cord user possible degen (loli/shota but not 'p)
>angeleno is based but a c*liforian
>doll is an unironic pedo and has neglects his wife and kids
>froot is a cord user foodist tier cuck
>jarty is false opposition and lute is a useful idiot


meant for


Yeah. Also nobody really knows who kuzzy is, because the story is always changing around him. So your best bet is to just assume he's a gay 4channer.
Doll is at BEST really weird and at worst a pedo.
That's everything that needed clarification


>>jarty is false opposition and lute is a useful idiot
Marge is this true


Basically Froot and co wanted the only splinter to be the jarty. And they would post weird threads (the pony porn thread) on it.


these two are insane geg




where's the fucking proof FNFnigger


didnt this nigger host the chudslife forum? fag probably ran away with all our data


i dont even think hes carter but im sure hes the most normal out of the nuadmins


Doll aid he met kuz and then he said he never met him. The carter dox is obviously fake, and yeah. I'd say out of all of the nuadmins he was the most charismatic one.


just leak everything i promise one day you'll really regret being a cucked faggot


this but less mean


do this pls 'leno


no it just means shartygod refugees are going to find different places that accept xhem


tsmt, froot hates you literally nothing to lose but a lot to gain (chance to grow a site a lot)


froot is foodist tier edgelord which acts like 15 year old which probably makes his money thru scams and other shady business. can leno fact check this mayhaps


the shartys already dying because of froots incompetence and cordniggery
angeleno could really save this for all of us atleast i think


he gambles on stake consistently geg


how do you know this information?


someone go get turkey tom to talk about this


File: 1719623749313.png (144.03 KB, 540x609, da4f6f4f870ce00acdc856763c….png)

>Frootcord leaks


sh*rtyshits would probably target him then


not our problem aldoebeit


Oldteens are underrated, we can understand that using the site for a while indicates you're loyal to it while also avoiding the ossified anti-newgod-faggotry that 4cuck has.


Kuz is a histrionic larper and imageboard autist who stole his identity from an old 9channel admin, created some lore to fill in the hiatus between that admin and himself, and has changed his gimmick at least 4 times now.
>oldfag tranime lover who loves heyuri (this was the most pure form of him)
>menacing kolyma cybercriminal with stalinist undertones
>muslim cypriot who loves genghis khan and calls himself temucin
>american PATRIQT MAGA christian who stands back and stands by


being obsessed with things and playing interesting roles is le bad? i don't see why people focus on that over focusing on the fact that he grooms little boys


Playing interesting roles is awesome.
>he grooms little boys
Does anyone else remember kolyma dating and the kolyetsmol?


yes, but gore loving "foodist tier cuck" applies to the average chud, also the part about Kuz you completely made up, because there was nothing concrete on him in these leaks.


what would he even say? he could talk about the datamining, but
probably wouldn't be too popular compared to regular eceleb drama roundups


im of the opinion that the goth shit is probably fake but there is a strong case for kuz being a groomer. the sobot shit did happen and people just pretend it didnt because kuz paid a nigger to pretend to be sobot. sobot being a young polish boy whos family moved to argentina. doll says he feels bad for sobot but he did nothing to protect or get sobot out of that situation. really i hope all these people die


why do you trust anything doll says


i dont i was saying that as a point against doll, he swept up for a pedophile and covered it up for like over a year and then now tries to act like he felt bad for the poor groomed child even though doll himself facilitated it


i dont trust what doll says because he is very suspicious. you should not trust doll either. if he says something i dont go away thinking he was truthful. i go away thinking he said that and nothing more.


That's skajyos thoughbeit


Skajyos are from jarty though and likes 'lita


File: 1719641199430.png (426.89 KB, 991x1074, ClipboardImage.png)

>an adult man encouraging teenage boys to age regress, talk like babies and draw/post art of grown bearded men sucking pacifiers is not a weird age regression fetishist






archive this thread


Pin this thread



Thank you. Now why are these revelations important? Is it because these people revealed are being hypocritical to soy-based morals?


>the soysphere hates datamining
<they do it anyway and harder than anyone imagined including datamining computer specs and open apps on your pc, literally making it a spyware site
>they go on about how evil dnb is
<they find it funny and only banned it for hosting reasons
>soyteens want to be left alone
<they're planning more dramatic events
>the soysphere wants admin transparency
<doll still there after apparently he quit, root takes on a fake persona after pretending he quit, nudev is actually babybot operator ronald, manager is actually the marge.moe operator and shemmy/zarty spammer
>the soysphere wants genuine interactions
<froot and root admit to taking public relations tours on soyjak.blog which they dont care about
>the soysphere cares about privacy and anonymity
<ronald and the manager talk about downloading rootkits for mobile visitors. literal malware/virus site
>soyteens want more oc and most want the return of a smaller coal police to fight the wave of coaly NAS
<no posts being moved to alt boards except for good bait, random nas stays on /soy/
>soyteens want rules to be enforced or removed entirely
<admins admit to giving special users special treatment, like not banning pingas man most days even though every post he makes breaks the anti-avatar rule
>soyteens mostly endorse black gore posting
<admin refuses to reinstate it and wiped it from the 'ru while privately loving it


All true except the last one


>he doesnt know about the original ban that was reverted


File: 1719669758099.png (20.79 KB, 775x962, 14777 - SoyBooru.png)

I second this. I don't want to see gore or porn at all. It has no place whatsoever


File: 1719670665881.gif (35.38 KB, 220x211, pepe-laugh.gif)

>cobshitters are SFWsissies


Everything true except the last one. Gore posting SUCKS.




Froot won albeit






upping this so it doesn't die


should I move this thread to >>>/sgp/?


Yeah sure, it won't ever die there


the sharty is basically on life support at this point


File: 1719789401276.png (95.15 KB, 601x1018, neutralfdl.png)

>bullshit translation: I'm a petty man child who threatens to break shit when things don't go my way.


>China is thousands of miles away, it doesn't matter.
…errh is anyone gonna tell him?


File: 1719789984546.png (181.92 KB, 785x731, CRY me a river.png)

>oh no they are improving security meaning I can't spam disgusting shit anymore!
>the sharty has fallen, trillions must be doxed.




frootpedocord's strongest soldier


File: 1719851785378.png (126.82 KB, 536x519, 1718765547537078.png)

what the fuck happened to my beloved jannybros


Oh, what has happened to my soyjak posting website? Once brimming with glistening gems, now only a pit of coal, fire, and brimstone. Froot (Admin 6) has damned the sharty to hell.


File: 1720211171009.mp4 (1.58 MB, 214x120, csgo soy.mp4)

kek posting this doll seetherald


File: 1720315831727.png (80.05 KB, 329x502, ClipboardImage - 2024-07-0….png)

This is just some guy sperging about Doll doe


don't let them memoryhole this


real as it gets


>Hes a unironic faggoy
>He crossdresses, or atleast thats what he told me
can you share a screenshot of the dms?

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