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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

Jouw toegewijde Ongezellig bord!
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File: 1723630766637.png (26.13 KB, 318x159, cx.png)


ohh i love nice sunny days and bike rides


i wish this was me almost every day


File: 1723631034719.jpg (12.73 KB, 391x464, giga.jpg)

>i wish this was me almost every day


what do i have to do to make this reality


1 hour of sunlight everyday, fix your diet only whole foods, light exercise, make sure you smell good, get some nice clothes, get some hobbies/friends and a job.
if you do that and you are a good person then you will meet someone sooner or later


what are some good hobbies to try because no woman would be impressed by 'i make soyjaks'
is bread a whole food or is it too fake


wheat is bad for your skin but a little bread never hurt anyone. also dont tell girls about anything you do online. hobby wise well it depends whats around you, if you have friends you could just talk to them and try whatever theyre doing.
you could always start going to church also if you really have nobody/nothing. theres many chances for you to meet and greet with new people. dont do these things with the idea of getting a girlfriend, just let it happen naturally





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