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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

Jouw toegewijde Ongezellig bord!
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File: 1724036554773.png (114.94 KB, 520x464, ClipboardImage.png)


it makes me feel quite sad mymy will never be real because i do actually feel a deep love for her even though shes a cartoon so its retarded


File: 1724036782411.mp4 (12.26 MB, 732x480, what one is your favorite.mp4)

>it makes me feel quite sad mymy will never be real because i do actually feel a deep love for her even though shes a cartoon so its retarded


ev&oe she is real


File: 1724091388986.jpg (119.32 KB, 1282x2015, 46 - laughing pepe.jpg)



File: 1724149074476.jpg (58.14 KB, 500x500, bons-featured-FrogLegs.jpg)



mymy wife mymy love mymy love mymy wife mymy hug mymy snuggle mymy schoppenboer chudette queen i love you


feelings dont care about your facts

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