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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

Jouw toegewijde Ongezellig bord!
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1723732287369.png (661.06 KB, 780x874, jnbbn.png)


When are we getting a sticky?


File: 1724128589715.mp4 (195.17 KB, 576x1024, she is so cool and gemmy.mp4)



📌 this is stickied in spirit


go up


📌 this is stickied in spirit


giving you a cycle instead of a sticky to fuck with you


we get it you hate people who post on your site.
its embarrassing that you even ended up pinning this thread after being repeatedly rude for no reason, try being decisive for once in your life


october 1st angeleno leaves
but the retarded mods and jannies he and svvt and lee put in will still be here
i dont expect it to get better even if mutt does finally unrulecuck the site because his retarded jannies will keep being faggots


File: 1725211182918.png (575.4 KB, 720x720, 162_20240401003317.png)



i didnt pin it lol
>we get it you hate people who post on your site.
no? why are you taking a joke that took one press of a button this seriously


we were burnt one too many times or something

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