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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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всех с новым годом.
happy new years /qa/ või midagi.
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Welcome to /qa/ - Question & Answer

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Chrysalis would make the best wife, she can literally turn into anything
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despite the fact that twp isn't real


then explain why so many women are drawn to my miniscule White Aryan cock

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン


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Gemmy thread


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Pooners are a waste of a woman's body. No one should want to be a man. all pooners deserve hell. they are vile filth


Disregard that, I am trans lole


I don't even mind mtfs


Disregard that, I am trans lole




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shut up LIBERALCUCK!!!! i want to listen to lemon DEMON not lemon she/them! like and subscribe for more

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redpanels just made a big comeback with this




Honey is okay

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Sean thread
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what the fuck did they do to sean?


>sean abuse





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it's war, Mods r asleep too
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>>>198211 (You)
>pooners w-AAAAAAAAACK


mad lol


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okay. me and feral wiped most of the site but a fucking sped janny came up, banned me at least and undid all of our spam.

https://vs-dave-and-bambi-golden-apple-edition.fandom.com/wiki/User:GotenSakurauchi (this is the jan)


Bros been doing it for free since 2012


Pooners should literally be killed. I'm not fucking joking I'm sick and tired of their bullshit.

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is the shemmy ever going to be as relevant as the Jarty?


if the ddosing problem ever gets permanently solved (((they))) will definitely try to run more psyops and falseflags like they did with the jarty


>ddosing problem ever gets permanently solved
are those network-level ddosses or aplication-level? you can't solve the former type without specialised hardware but the latter should be solvable with rate limiting, iptables updating and such

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what would you do if you were walking outside and you saw a giant obsideon nigger orb. with image as scale. wwyd
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ok you lick it but a image of your favorite deceased relatives face appears on the spot where you left your saliva


this is gay and i should stop it for making this into a ms paint adventure pastiche. this post would of been a quint plant of ignorance towards soysphere culture but i ruined in a misplaced attempt at creativity.


no it’s funny don’t shit on yourself for something that other people enjoy


it is funny


this is straight it's straight as fuck.

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Why do women get tattoos to show what type of men they are into? It seems like a waste of time if your preferences change.

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>men should stop dating supermodels and start dating obese single moms

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>Moved to >>>/sgp/7028.
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i cant post from my laptop again, how am i meant to continue posting soymys. disable this nonsense now so i stop getting errors there is no botting


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>i cant post from my laptop again, how am i meant to continue posting soymys. disable this nonsense now so i stop getting errors there is no botting


Good point


I also agree with you


bant is a really great board

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Previous Thread: https://archive.is/eDjrT

IAS and NAS dump, Since the QA merge happened, both IAS and NAS can now be posted (It still has to be OC)
16 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


get back here


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>shemmy oc
>gay niggers having sex



my genuine reaction to this image

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