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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
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File: 1726833972431.png (961.47 KB, 1072x1080, eddy_dab.png)


remove the managers from the contacts list, there is zero reason for them to be there. even if there's a specific situation where they're relevant like janny hiring let their email be there, mutt is the only relevant manager anyway.
a sticky that long only with contact info on the main board is excessive


File: 1726838616021.gif (6.09 KB, 54x73, 1709593123401.gif)

>remove the managers from the contacts list, there is zero reason for them to be there. even if there's a specific situation where they're relevant like janny hiring let their email be there, mutt is the only relevant manager anyway.
>a sticky that long only with contact info on the main board is excessive


File: 1726920315155.jpg (108.32 KB, 912x1024, cc2-1055135839.jpg)

>>remove the managers from the contacts list, there is zero reason for them to be there. even if there's a specific situation where they're relevant like janny hiring let their email be there, mutt is the only relevant manager anyway.
>>a sticky that long only with contact info on the main board is excessive

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