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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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File: 1724896744619.png (40.31 KB, 900x730, 1723519486076j.png)


how do i cure/manage OCD without taking big pharma slop?


realize it's not real and stop caring. the obsession is not real, not justified, soothe your soul, soothe yourself, it's not real. if it is, it's over exaggerated, it's not impactful. the obsession won't impact you as much as you think it would. why are you posting this on /sgp/


File: 1724942684270.png (118.55 KB, 785x1000, glow.png)

>realize it's not real and stop caring. the obsession is not real, not justified, soothe your soul, soothe yourself, it's not real. if it is, it's over exaggerated, it's not impactful. the obsession won't impact you as much as you think it would. why are you posting this on /sgp/


i've tried this, but never for a long time. thanks

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