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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
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>need to post meta coal on /soy/ cause /sgp/ is too dead
Since I don't feel like making a poll for this i'll just ask, do you guys have any suggestions in regards to what should be done with the current situation with our boards?
I was going to change or remove some of them myself at first but I think it's important to know what you guys would like.


make the only boards /soy/ and /sgp/ and maybe /gen/ or /qa/


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unban doxxing


sad that /gen/ is dead in the water, again though i feel like it really could just be merged into /qa/.
trying to get us taken down award


keep the boards the same, make doddermodd admin so he can ban 'p and make race inspection mandatory for posting


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>fucked up my capcode


Hello doddercord!


sex with dodderfail
>again though i feel like it really could just be merged into /qa/.
tsmt both boards are for autistic interests


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>race inspection mandatory for posting
Unironically do this


>pph drops to zero


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>sad that /gen/ is dead in the water, again though i feel like it really could just be merged into /qa/.
A general board is a board dedicated to generals only, not making threads on the fly. If you "merge" /gen/ into another board you're basically just deleting it. I think it's better to just keep it in that sense, but you could definitely merge /art/, /ohio/ and /zellig/ with it. Or just /art/ into /gen/, /ohio/, /zellig/ and /korea/ into /qa/.


As the only ubermensch on this site I would singlehandedly make the pph 100 every day


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>t. vantablack dravidian


>merge all the random boards into the random board


delete /korea/ and replace it with /ohio/


>remove /zellig/ as a result
don't do this
but /korea/ barely serves a purpose now that nsfw is allowed everywhere


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I can somewhat agree but I think we need to accept that those kind of boards will always be extremely inactive on here, topic boards in general have proven to be unpopular here in the past. i'll probably keep /zellig/ and /art/ though and maybe turn /art/ into a archived board. As for /ohio/ it'll probably be turned into a board that'll show up on special occasions but it depends.


Yeah /korea/ is probably gonna go soon.


mutt add /churro/ /mykola/ and /pirate/


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make the site redirect to leftypol


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can You cosplay konata for me?


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What's your sexuality, religion, country, ethnicity and source of income


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>What's your sexuality, religion, country, ethnicity and source of income


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Hi mutt. It's easy to spot you because you name all of your files. Gonna answer my question or not?


this isn't a ama chud


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It's an ama because I said so


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>a ama


spent time on an imageboard award


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If you think about it, mutt is just a froot era nusoicaca that managed to make angeleno like him enough to give him admin.


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Okay I think I got an idea of what i'll do now with the boards. Going to move this thread to /sgp/.


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Mutt got so triggered by this statement that he moved the thread


if its not my idea then you should kys


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strange that (You) have so many notes though


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>if its not my idea then you should kys


do i have notes :3



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