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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
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>/sgp/ - The Shemmy is the Shemmy's designated meta board where users can post complaints, discuss the website, and give suggestions. Nobody listens to those complains though because the staff team is too busy gooning to Mameson. It was the first board ever created on the Shemmy.

>/sgp/ was the first board Svvt made on the Shemmy. It quickly became a home for soyposting before /soy/ was created and became the most active board on the site.

>Most long seriouspost meta threads are moved there, meta on /soy/ is gay or something. Most serious criticism threads are made on /soy/ or /qa/ due to the larger userbases there, so the board is usually slow. Long meta threads with dilation from all sides are usually moved to /sgp/ when they die to archive (rot) forever. The board hosts meta content including old admin Q&As, meta soysphere threads and full doxes on its infinite pages.

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