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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1722653344634.png (56.09 KB, 258x708, soyja.cc.png)


The official shemmy bunker has been created
Should the site ever be raped, flooded with botnets, ect, we will go here.


didnt ask


come back i miss you


did ask




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hi cossy coswork


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not that faggot, i don't go by a name here, i just genuinely miss your time as admin and your good leadership.


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I have been on the janny team on and off for months now.
'Leno has let me make the 'bunker and whatnot and I am still coding some features, like password locked threads (these have a dedicated board in the bunker)
I do wish i didn't make that autistic fuck up in the beginning out of spite, I do genuinely like this website and I want to see it grow


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I wouldn't be sure about him being admin soicaca…


thanks but i don't think I'm a great admin personally
not cuz of that spergout mostly i just can't do all the maintaining 24/7


check your pm nigga


okay saar


just did i'll lock everything except /q/


soyjaks.com will always live in our hearts still





not me albeit


can i spam your site please


yes xir
> *locks every board*


All boards except /q/ locked.

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