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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1717131909158.gif (574.99 KB, 383x192, 88888.gif)


Please use this thread to complain about things about the site or to suggest anything in relation to it.


Please add the same datamining code so I can make a brand new splinter and dilate some more.




add a discord link to the top bar


YoU lOoK lIkE a BoT!1!1!1!111!


File: 1717172092273.png (14.71 KB, 420x617, ClipboardImage.png)

why does the captcha not show on here?


File: 1717323006812.png (88.42 KB, 444x150, ClipboardImage.png)

i want this banner back, sure it may be outdated, but it's sovl.


bring back this sovl now. .


File: 1717665850946.png (19.1 KB, 825x771, 1715788187396-2.png)

hello mister manager.. can you add purple text
its my favourite colour


Delete /sgp/ and /art/


add boymoder rizz


will tell leno to do dis
also maybe that can be added too


File: 1718441270907.png (123.92 KB, 381x709, i dont give a fuck nigga.png)

add /giga/


File: 1718441577281.png (257.56 KB, 844x938, suck my dick nigga.png)

considering the entire point of a soyjak is to mock the emasculated modern male, i think it would be appropriate for us to have a dedicated board for masculinity/self improvement. /ckfit/ - Cooking and Fitness would be a good start. it would also make a strong statement


id go back to the sharty if thats added every self improver dosent belong here


I'll be honest not a big fan of the changes made since svvt left or was murdered or whatever. Been using it this site less and less since then. Deleting /soy/ was boneheaded because now we have to post alongside zelligfaggots.


just bully and troll them, ya dingus


File: 1718681387956-0.png (315 B, 16x11, angeleno.png)

File: 1718681387956-1.png (289 B, 16x11, boymoder.png)

File: 1718681387956-2.png (222 B, 16x11, szekely flag.png)

File: 1718681387956-3.png (182 B, 16x11, transgender.png)

add boymoder, trans, 'leno and(or) szekely rizz


File: 1718683018472.jpg (58.88 KB, 640x480, Tomo.jpg)

DON'T DO THIS and add tomo flag


heh funny enough within 10 minutes of making that post I was DDOSED and my computer became unresponsive necessitating a vpn to even shut the fucking thing down. hmmmmm


certain staff here may be zelligniggers see >>3301


File: 1718905303990-0.png (289.22 KB, 1440x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1718905303990-1.png (289.22 KB, 1440x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 1718905303990-3.png (289.22 KB, 1440x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

allow bbc


forgot to mention my tbp is leaking, srry that its been 4 hrs :/


Then add NSFW board first


Ban angeleno I would be much better admin


^Dreaming rulenigger


the booru is down it says timed out


File: 1719309679154.png (101.69 KB, 1000x1000, Frootist Chud Sharty propa….png)

this site isn't over seen by dear leader Froot, please fix this issue ASAP.


File: 1719331590646.gif (482.83 KB, 200x255, 1699180676337.gif)

>this site isn't over seen by dear leader Froot, please fix this issue ASAP.


File: 1719353957380.png (690.71 KB, 663x927, Frootler.png)

<this site isn't over seen by dear leader Froot, please fix this issue ASAP.


File: 1719390811449.png (35.4 KB, 255x206, 1706915018022.png)

><this site isn't over seen by dear leader Froot, please fix this issue ASAP.






Turning off "Show relative time" doesn't seem to be working


add fixed top bar of boards and pages that follows while scrolling NOWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!


We should be allowed to tripfag


File: 1719789485612.png (896.71 KB, 736x1045, Froot get in line.png)

<><this site isn't over seen by dear leader Froot, please fix this issue ASAP.






File: 1720215606761.webm (2.14 MB, 480x360, 1716377085306v.webm)

>no soys
>no gems
>no party
Froot really was right this place is a nigger.party


File: 1720215709199.mp4 (5.47 MB, 850x800, 0701c2c7-df41-4f93-ae6d-25….mp4)

>no soys
>no gems
>no party
Froot really was right this place is a nigger.party

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