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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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File: 1716247400448.png (292.47 KB, 1917x906, ClipboardImage.png)


>Doll has to move on to adminning 3 pph splinters because he couldn't keep me off the sharty
Coord tranny fail


i thought you'd rather die then use this place also dolls gone from here


kys fnf veneuzela zoo


>some wiki article about a 13 year old kid
>not just deleting it but protecting it against vandalism
least pedophilic janny in the world lel


>King Caesar is still trying to convince people I'm 13
Least retarded cordtranny in the world lel


can you explain more i have no clue who that is. you seem to be much more well-versed about da cord drama than i am


probably a made up boogryman


remember how he let some whore post her tits on /incel/ lmao
truly a selfless protector of children


File: 1716318301499.jpg (49.4 KB, 1024x937, yikes that was awkward.jpg)



https://soyjakwiki.net/Soyjak.party/Happenings#April_'23 (april 27)
and yes, he was aware of the thread

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