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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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New rule changes dropped, basically the same as what we've been doing for a while. Still important to take a look at if you care. Feel free to scream at us if you don't like them.

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another one


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>mfw when already got bored of posting with the fujo flag on


why is hello kitty blowing air into a jar of rabbit poop


i don't know i never even tried this boba tea thing


a friend of mine is kind of addicted to it


i watched High Noon today, i wanted to a week ago but electricity went out when i started
what a good fucking movie!
i also watched The Truman Show today
what a good fucking movie!


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File: 1727629432669-1.mp3 (4.21 MB, Mistle (128kbps).mp3)

i like this song


sounds good


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>the moment i turn off this vpn i'll get bidenflared again


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mfw when i get out, my distant friends that i hallucinated are still in so i can't have wholesome phone calls with them that i also hallucinated when i walk home


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File: 1727800328270-1.mp3 (8.16 MB, SoGreatandPowerful - Dashy….mp3)

this is my favorite Sgap song, one of them for sure
i love everything about it, the instrumental, the lyrics, the little nods to the show, the meowing sounds, the filter to make it sound like it's played on a vinyl


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i like art like this




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i love shooter games. you get a lot of freedom of movement in them and interactability with the world. i love the ones where you can mess around with various mechanics, like the physics engine in half-life 2, or the whip in bulletstorm, or the supersuit in crysis
it's a shame they don't make them like they used to, i've mostly been playing old ones. i think i've played through most of them by now
this is so soy but i'm immune to it so it doesn't matter


addicted to rabbit poop? why be friends with such freaks


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i will kill


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tips for spamming threads you dislike on here:
instead of one, upload at least two images
most people probably use a css script that shortens the max height of posts so they won't have to deal with linespam, but putting two images will push the text part of the post below, still making it considerably tall
you can also use gifs that weight a lot so loading the thread will take a long time


wait i'm not sure about the gif part. images are downsized to avoid this, but i don't know how compressed the gifs become if they're thumbnailed. well, at least upload gifs with lots of frames


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well, time to go, disable computer and lose this one
this will be my last post here, goodbye.


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i will never ever EVER use chatgpt to write
looks like me writing words words words guides in the past gave me an advantage in writing essays for education stuff, if i read about a topic and understand it well enough, i can just write about it without looking unlike the rest of those dunces who either copy the whole texts or use chatgpt lol lol lmao i'm so vain and conceited lol
the thing about chatgpt is that, from the looks of it, its model is a mishmash of everything, and so it produces the most mediocre results imaginable. chatgpt is essentially a midwit that holds insane amounts of information, i doubt it can make any meaningful connections to come up with new solutions. maybe it'll change in the future, who knows? this averageness is even reflected in chatbots. i tried them out, and they become boring after the first two talks, i don't know how people can spend months chatting with these fictional character mock-ups. unlike with actual writing, you will not be able to meaningfully change how they act after making them go through various events. the way they talk is strangely bland too


i still trip up on choosing which words to use in my essays doe, i can start repeating myself, my ability to remember synonymous words is not great


holy dead


stopped reading 9 words in


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writing doll x reader brb


this is fucking painful to write but i have to pull through


but why doe


someone in a c*tube asked for it or something and i thought it'd be a great idea


welp, it's done and i want to die lololol


post it


it's on /y/

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