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/qa/ - Question & Answer

Password (For file deletion.)

New rule changes dropped, basically the same as what we've been doing for a while. Still important to take a look at if you care. Feel free to scream at us if you don't like them.

File: 1727545586720.png (4.36 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


{"readyState":4,"responseText":"\n\n{\"error\":\"Caught fatal error: Uncaught OpenAI\\\\Exceptions\\\\ErrorException: Incorrect API key provided: sk-proj-**********jWVf. You can find your API key at https:\\/\\/platform.openai.com\\/account\\/api-keys. in \\/var\\/www\\/soygem.party\\/vendor\\/openai-php\\/client\\/src\\/Transporters\\/HttpTransporter.php:131\\nStack trace:\\n#0 \\/var\\/www\\/soygem.party\\/vendor\\/openai-php\\/client\\/src\\/Transporters\\/HttpTransporter.php(57): OpenAI\\\\Transporters\\\\HttpTransporter->throwIfJsonError()\\n#1 \\/var\\/www\\/soygem.party\\/vendor\\/openai-php\\/client\\/src\\/Resources\\/Chat.php(33): OpenAI\\\\Transporters\\\\HttpTransporter->requestObject()\\n#2 \\/var\\/www\\/soygem.party\\/post.php(1210): OpenAI\\\\Resources\\\\Chat->create()\\n#3 {main}\\n thrown in <strong>\\/var\\/www\\/soygem.party\\/vendor\\/openai-php\\/client\\/src\\/Transporters\\/HttpTransporter.php<\\/strong> on line 131\"}","responseJSON":{"error":"Caught fatal error: Uncaught OpenAI\\Exceptions\\ErrorException: Incorrect API key provided: sk-proj-**********jWVf. You can find your API key at https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys. in /var/www/soygem.party/vendor/openai-php/client/src/Transporters/HttpTransporter.php:131\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/soygem.party/vendor/openai-php/client/src/Transporters/HttpTransporter.php(57): OpenAI\\Transporters\\HttpTransporter->throwIfJsonError()\n#1 /var/www/soygem.party/vendor/openai-php/client/src/Resources/Chat.php(33): OpenAI\\Transporters\\HttpTransporter->requestObject()\n#2 /var/www/soygem.party/post.php(1210): OpenAI\\Resources\\Chat->create()\n#3 {main}\n thrown in <strong>/var/www/soygem.party/vendor/openai-php/client/src/Transporters/HttpTransporter.php</strong> on line 131"},"status":500,"statusText":"error"}

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