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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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New rule changes dropped, basically the same as what we've been doing for a while. Still important to take a look at if you care. Feel free to scream at us if you don't like them.

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 No.187431[View All]

Ask me questions about my future adminship here
173 posts and 49 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>Unfunny booru meme
I am grateful to have suck pitiful enemies


such* I need my reading glasses


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>such* I need my reading glasses


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>nobody cares
And yet you go out of your way to reply because I made a mockery of you


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>>nobody cares
>And yet you go out of your way to reply because I made a mockery of you


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Shut up lil nigga


guys i think we should remove /zellig/ and ban anyone who posts zellig
that would be based


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mymy lost.


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I agree to be honest, we need more people on the zarty. Shoally staff hate us anyway which is why they killed the board when it had more pph than /soy/
Doll is a fat pedophile retard, in his 30s with a low paying dead end job and his only calling to life is grooming young boys into giving him attention. He molested his sister when she was a kid which is why she goes by they/them pronouns now.
Ran away hiding when Kuz came back because Kuz had dirt on him, came back when Kuz left. If I went band for band with Doll he would feel ashamed down to his loins.


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You're obsessed and need to go do something with your life. You clearly care too much about internet drama.
Anyway I'm gonna go, reminder that the schlog won.


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I spam as I please and leave as I please.
Your silly games won't work on me, if only the real Doll would just stick to his shitty numale forum.
I remember when Doll made a post on the shlog admitting that he has no real life friends only online friends. Sad! Many such cases.


he's laughing at you in frootcord vc everytime you talk about him


Ive seen the leaks, he just talks about getting drunk and being an emotional loser. Basically acts like a teenage boy except in his 30s. I pity freaks like that, but he shouldn't be allowed near minors. Laugh all he wants but God will smite him one day



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doll deserves to boil alive in his own shit




doll is an abdl age regressing pedophile kek


Fuck off


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>doll deserves to boil alive in his own shit
>doll is an abdl age regressing pedophile kek




did you know doll was busy banning soyjaks on a soyjak website while his wife was dying of ovary cancer?


>no real friends
>only online friends
holy fucking kek


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this new developer better add fujo rizz


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I don't know what that is but I've already made some changes that I want to push out soon.



>doesnt know what fujo means
>doesnt know what rizz is
how new are you?


these amazing suggestions. you don't have to make the random ship thing, it might become annoying now that i think about it, but it could be an option you write into the email field or something
i was also wondering, where are you from/how did you find the website? you kind of remind me of that GrandWizardMan namefag from a few months earlier that talked about altchans getting fedded and stuff, he was an interesting guy


be nice to my wife.


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only if i get to see xher jaksona


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on the left.


shitlita jumpscare #yikes


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sorry or something.


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I know what rizz is. I'm using it right now. I also know what fujoshi means (sadly). I guess I was just overtaken by surprise seeing these two words together and couldn't understand.
I've yet to see how rizz works in this site but I'll take a look into it and hopefully all is cleared out. I won't be adding anything except by the administrators' permission though.
Oh. So that's what that soyjak meant? That's supposed to be me? How did you make it so fast. I don't even get it. Why am I wearing an ushanka? What's with the award? Soyteens have and always will be crazy it seems.


i didnt make it aldoebeit.


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>>>188159 (You)
>Oh. So that's what that soyjak meant? That's supposed to be me? How did you make it so fast. I don't even get it. Why am I wearing an ushanka? What's with the award? Soyteens have and always will be crazy it seems.


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Incredible community you have here then. I'm just gonna take it as a sign of a warm welcome I guess.
I forgot to answer the rest of your questions.
>where are you from/how did you find the website? you kind of remind me of that GrandWizardMan namefag from a few months earlier that talked about altchans getting fedded and stuff
I won't get into rough detail on my entire history but I've abandoned soyjakking and its sites for a while now and have deemed them cringeworthy. I guess that's what happens when people truly move on. My history with this site for relevance sake is that I've heard about it around March but like I said I have laid off soyjakking but an interest sparked for me again. It was also around the same time I used to stalk Kuz's every move after being off the radar for a while. I used to regularly check his Kiwifarms and Telegram channel on the daily, including the kolyma domain, just to see if he would say or act upon something. It seemed there was no hope so I just gave up and stopped looking into it. I've only posted a few times here throughout the year ever since the site was made so I'm sorry if I'm not familiar with most of what is going around here.


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>I used to stalk Kuz's every move after being off the radar for a while. I used to regularly check his Kiwifarms and Telegram channel on the daily, including the kolyma domain, just to see if he would say or act upon something.


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I am not Sobot. I'm still waiting for my confirmation to be a developer for the site since I want to post a sticky on /soy/ to ask the userbase what sort of suggestions they'd like to see added to the site. I'm clueless as to what people want so I'm in a period of stasis right now.


ok sobot.




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obsessed fed is that you?


>I've abandoned soyjakking and its sites for a while now and have deemed them cringeworthy
>an interest sparked for me again
The reason i’m here now is pretty similar to yours. I saw this site mentioned on the kiwi thread and figured i’d see what its like since it isn’t owned by froot and doll.

You seem like a pretty nice dude from what i’ve seen. You’re the first actually good avatarposter i have witnessed. We talked about the way sharteens behave yesterday. You might not have been online during that but the admin(s) that got elected are chuddy af just as a heads up since that was part of the reason why i got tired of the sharty initially.

I’ll occasionally be going with this rizz (fuck whoever who thought this was a good term to call it) since there’s few users here making it easy to spot out individual posters which i don’t remember really being able to on the sharty apart from /int/. Later polesoyba


>looking at soyaoi
it;s official. we fujos are fukken white.


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>but the admin(s) that got elected are chuddy af


>soygem admins decide to hire literal red over me because they think I'm doll
Why do you have such an aversion towards me? As I said and has been proved over and over again I'm not him. You're quite literally shooting yourself in the foot with this.

Email me at flashbacker@420blaze.it please so I can fix this shithole


fuck off, 'leno should have never done this election thing, i told him it's an idiotic idea but he didn't listen and didn't rig it so codefag wins too


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You're literally nobody, bro, take the L already.

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