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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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New rule changes dropped, basically the same as what we've been doing for a while. Still important to take a look at if you care. Feel free to scream at us if you don't like them.

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 No.187061[Last 50 Posts]

Thought about doing one since I haven't really done a proper one in months and things have changed a lot since then.
And I don't wanna attention whore on /soy/ I'll have this thread here because why not.
Hit me with whatever.


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Any future plans for the site as of right now?


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Yes 100%, some people think we're fucked once angeleno leaves but i'm sure it'll be fine. Although I don't wanna ruin the surprise yet DOE. But other then that I just want to get moderation reforms done when I get the chance and maybe find another developer since svvt is being a slf.


are you datign right now


>I don't wanna ruin the surprise yet DOE


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also no


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>Flood detected; Post discarded


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Flood detected; Post discarded


someone told me mutt is just a code that leads to (((shareblue's bluepill))) is that true?


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Meds NOW.


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I cannot wait any longer chadmin, my dopamine runs off admin changes and lore. Change the trajectory and physics of the fourth dimension to further speed October 1st to this very instant, otherwise my soy levels would reach negative and my body would fail and succumb to its demise.


I'm gonna be working to try and not make the transition from admins not be as messy as it has been before.


i miss angeleno already


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is our 'booru gonna go away once 'leno leaves? any plans for that?


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>i miss angeleno already


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>>i miss angeleno already


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even though he's still here just sleeping i think probably
I imagine Angeleno will give the domain to codefag to manage or he'll continue hosting it. I'll have to ask him when he's up actually.
As for plans for it. I was thinking of getting some approvers for it but it's really inactive so who knows.


>deleted the 'toss


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mutt is this intentional and I never noticed or is this not supposed to be here Ö
what was it


never noticed it in my life lmao


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i didn't even notice that. kek. I don't think so. Either codefag or angeleno messed that up
>what was it
jake in a casket or something


22 obsessed braps above me


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>22 obsessed braps above me


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>I wish….I could have touched…Lute's shiny bald head once…


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>>22 obsessed braps above me


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I wish….I could have touched…Lute's shiny bald head once…


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what is your religion mi ese


the only good thing jarty gave us was the obsessed fnf slopjak


Sucks that the jarty had the fate it did. Atleast it can finally rest after the months of decay. Feel like lute should've surrounded himself with better people on his staff.
yikes buddy datamining
might as well ask me my state and city at that point or something


thats so racist


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>thats so racist


this gif is so strange without the fnf slopjaks


is tlp superior to bbc and bwc


uhhh….ev&oe the obsessed fnf slopjak marked an end for 'jakking as a whole? We used to portray those we hate with bald man with glasses and now everyone I don't like is automatically brown/black and fat, yet it's still considered soyjak culture for some reason. Just call it shitskin.party at this point.
Lute was right though, it was bound to end.
>The soysphere's walls are closing in and there's nothing you can do to stop it
>soyjak dot party has been invaded by unfunny underage faggots and right-wing twitter users who just don't get the joke with soyjaks.
>the soyjak dot party of 2020-2022 has been dead for ages and is now owned and operated by the people who killed it.
What a chad shall I say, not very fond of his decisions but he definitely ended it with a trvthnvke


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wordswordswordswords tiny white peckers cant breed
oil up


>just call it shitskin.party at this point



What made you decide to stick around when Scar/Soos/Pool/Yeji/Dodder seem to have left their janny rules or gone dark? I appreciate your commitment to the site, it's something to treasure on an altchan like this one


froot is an aryan who knows if you get enough tiktok migrants and put blacked ads everywhere you will earn millions a day


i agree with this statement
Yeah he did go out on his own terms at least. i can tell, him owning that site for as long as he did has fucked with him to some level. Atleast the jarty didn't turn to becoming a generic altchan or just kept up for spite. Free from being controlled opposition.
Or something


GEEEEG i thought google ads refused to keep datamining shartoddlers because of le hate speecherinos just like what happened to 4cuck a decade earlier


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>i agree with this question


bbc or twp


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>implying bbc is real


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>>implying bbc is real


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It's complicated really, I put already who knows how much time into trying to improve this site. Would be a waste to just give up though.
But basically i still enjoy it unlike most of the old staff after a while
also dodder is still here and actually pretty active
most of the active old staff left are the 3 managers (ohio)


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why are (You) thinking about the color of dicks so much?


this racism is getting out of hand. we need to cancel him!


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>Not thinking about the color of dicks as an American


is /fur/ being added back


do this so i can datamine more admins to give them enneatypes


can you censor the name? amer*ca is an imperialist nation


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Will rules be more lenient or more rulecucked after Angeleno's leave? Do you think it'd atleast be a good kind of rulecuckery, like getting rid of certain detractors and shady people?


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>inb4 angeleno fires me and i get hanged
There's a time and there's a place.
>added back
did that exist? I forgot but i don't know.
can't you use /qa/ you slf. we already have a billion boards with 0 pph



It'll depend. I want /korea/ gone so maybe they'll be more lenient to compensate. I don't want to make promises for these types of things though. How the rules should be always ends with too many arguments between staff or whatever


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JIDF's secret service above me


hating piece of shit faggot that needs to kick the bucket already above me


meds i would've given the site to dollcord already if that were the case little buddy


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actuallly mutt what do you think of the yaoi that fujoaryans have been posting…lol


mossad demoralization above me


mossad agent above the shitskin above the aryan above me


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i don't really have much to say, it's funny though and even funnier to see people seethe at it. Really reminds me that nusoicacas can get mad at just about anything.
quiet down or you'll get deported to /fnf/


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we fujoaryans are funny lol


tsmt we love having fun like fnf dont give a fuck ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


mutt thoughts on how they made Steve a fat old white man in the movie instead of an oiled up 6 foot BBC monster like how canon Steve is in the game


Soulless all things considered i don't know why they thought of even doing live action was a good idea at all for fucking minecraft. Reminder that kikes will always corrupt anything you enjoy for big profits that they think they'll get.
The masses will probably still eat this up though


mutt being antisemitic? we are so here for this sister, let's unpack this


will you own the servers when trangeleno dies


I don't think i'd be able too sadly, i'm a poorfag or something. Not to mention i'm tech illiterate because of mutt education. He will be giving the servers to codefag or someone else if i'm not mistaken.


>mutt is an actual mutt
muttmerica shemmy meetup when


How much does keeping servers cost?


i like leno and want to have sex with him


>thinks i was larping
also shemmycon is in 2025 get ready
around 100$ (a month?) from what i heard maybe. Don't take my word on that cause i might be misremembering kek
Maybe it's for the better i don't have server access i'd probably fuck it up


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everyone better be oiled up and in a thong


>this make me on the same level as logan
muttist.. did we get cocky…


the servers really only cost $100 a month? for a site with 60.000 posts a month and lots of images among them? damn
if it cuts down on server costs i'll simply use a VM to reach froot's booru. how much does operating and hosting the current 'ru cost?


That, i do not know of. I'll ask angeleno later. or something. Again I might be wrong but it's whatever


that seems to high, i'm quite sure you could get a good vps for about $20 a month


it would also be interesting to know figures like the amount of data transferred every month, if possible


1. what is your favorite variant
2. what was your favorite raid
3. when did you first find out about 'jakking?
4. post the most recent IAS or soi culture related OC you made (tama, zellig, froglaugh)
5. do you see much of a future for /qa/? i think it could be a nice board for blogging and real discussions while /soy/ stays as a 'jakking board
6. are there plans for any future return to the /qa/ plan among the mods?
7. leak the catalog of /j/


mutt make me admin.


also cpu and ram usage, as for storage i guess 30-50 gb is enough, but that depends on the number of boards and page limit


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Sorry for delayed response i'm starting to get tired kek
>1. what is your favorite variant
he's fun to draw OC for.
>2. what was your favorite raid
on the sharty? man i barely remember at this point not sure if it counts as a raid but i used to spend alot of time on those pixel planet or other type raids for some reason.
On the shemmy?
it's either the brilly raid or the 4cuck /sci/ raid that i actually contributed too.
>3. when did you first find out about 'jakking?
late 2022 and found out about the sharty in very early 2023 probably consider a nucaca but it's whatever
>4. post the most recent IAS or soi culture related OC you made (tama, zellig, froglaugh)
i'm drawing something like that right now but i'll just do something i finished kek
probably these two, i should make more oc when i get the time or something
>5. do you see much of a future for /qa/? i think it could be a nice board for blogging and real discussions while /soy/ stays as a 'jakking board
Yea i do, i like the board and the posters. I want to see it be used as an alternative to posting whatever. Too many people using /soy/ tbh.
>6. are there plans for any future return to the /qa/ plan among the mods?
I'd say nah, we might cut down the boards or something soon instead though. I'm open to ideas though
>7. leak the catalog of /j/
it'd ruin the surprise, remind me again some day.
even doe u never finished the project therefore kuz would be disappointed therefore no admin


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honestly nobody cares if you're a newfag as long as you understand the actual sharty culture. the reason there's so much newfag hate now is because froot completely distorted the sharty into something it never was.


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>>7. leak the catalog of /j/
>it'd ruin the surprise, remind me again some day.
this implies there will be a /j/ leak
i'm looking forward to it


how much does it cost every time i load a 'jak on the 'ru because now i'm feeling sorta guilty


I know I know. Although I'm glad i found out about the sharty and soyjakking from them raiding some 4cuck boards or generals i was lurking at the time. Makes me mad I missed out on /qa/ and early sharty though while i was a 4cucker
I like to be transparent about things even if it's
>muh heckin sekret board or whatever


probably barely anything but i don't know even
@leeenoooo wake up and answer the people instead


I’m a rouge janny, the /j/ catty takes up 90% of server space because there are 90 gb of bmt and ‘p stored.


this is something lee would say


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>rouge janny


I’m sorry, who? I came here from tiktok vril edits 3 weeks ago


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>>>187171 (You)
>I’m sorry, who? I came here from tiktok vril edits 3 weeks ago


meds tiktok nusois probably won't reach us for another couple months


obsessed fnf jarty beta braaaaaaaaap above me


i dont think they'd ever come here tbh
but we thought that about the sharty too geeeeeeeeg


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mutt should I make more aryan right wing twitter vril edits and link the account to this site or no


That'll be for the better, i really don't want that crowd here. I'm surprised the little oldfags that are left still clinging on can stand it there


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Do this in the name of the shemmy and repost it on every social media.
or something


i presume they've left the main boards. i still regularly start the VM and check on the out of habit but havent posted in a long time. /mtv/ still has some good posts, even some funny ones, but /qa/ is a slow wasteland and /soy/ is a fast one.


on the topic, it was weird when sharty started plastering its name all over raids instead of hiding behind the 'cuck or hilariously behind r/markiplier


who is the worst poster on this website?


I still wonder why they don't just come here but at the same time i feel like anyone who's been on a soyboy shitposting site for that long probably don't make the best choices anyway.



frooty probably wanted more money from blacked.com ads and shut down every good raid



do you write soyquotes?


What % of posts are made by jannies


I would be willing to buy the sharty for ≈ 10000 dollars and maybe the TikTok for 100 because of how much ad revenue they give


that's a good one
hard to answer considering every poster is probably behind some level of irony. Not gonna say any namefags because that's too easy
Maybe it's the one guy who's a swinnyskin who was fired from here because he was suspicious and then proceeded to frog demoralize post every chance he could get for a month straight and continuing


hard to make money on the sharty because google will cuck you for being le offensiverino and nobody clicks on banner ads





viasyni? it was funny watching him dilate in the months after with his "sharty saving manifesto", his coaly 'ru edits and other fails geg


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If you get a decent bot and make compulsory captcha every 10 minutes you can get like 60 dollars an hour me thinks


Bots to spam splinters


5% or at most 10% is my best estimate since so many are inactive and only log in and do their job now instead of posting
but yeah. some jannies will post a lot though.


i like it when /qa/ is alive. still has a sekrit hekking club feeling here


nudev said there are always 70 active posters an hour on the shart


I Dont Care Nigga Read A Book Or Something


I don't think it's him since he'd probably be posting his variant or retarded self insert to piss me off
it's the guy who was posting gigachad in a banana suit as apart of some raid or something when i looked at his post history a while back
Although maybe it is him considering the amount of people who use the swinny


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>the guy who added 1000 dataminers, cryptominers and app trackers then lied about them would never lie to me!


nobody does this in america


I recommend the last of the mohicans because it’s thrilling and teaching
pph in mutt hours always exceeds 900 so I don’t think it’s that far fetched


do you want this site to grow or is it hecking /comfy/ or however the mechanism is coped


Isn’t angeleno like a billionaire cartel leader and his shemmy is a social experiment


you are the typologyfag right


It was in frootcord leaks but I forgot where
It was mentioned in the sgp thread


>even doe it's a secret network of assassins, billionaires and businessman


Euro hours I’m thinking 10 or 5


probably more like 20-30


what advice do you have for young men


Churro has like 8 unique posters and they reached 200 on a new splinter


somewhere in the middle of that, I don't want us to try being the jarty though with constant low activity and everyone knowing eachother.


any truth to this?


one of the worst things about the jarty was almost instantly recognizing everybody


good point, even on sharty /pol/ we sometimes reached 500 pph with just the 10-15 polcorders


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are you the serbian?
I don’t know any /pol/ namefags that are still shemmycucking it except for me and the serbian




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>are you the serbian?
>I don’t know any /pol/ namefags that are still shemmycucking it except for me and the serbian


literal who


I guess not


Don't do it for free


when it reaches bump limit will you move the oc collection thread to /art/ as an archive


File: 1725628828114.png (157.55 KB, 888x849, 73505 - SoyBooru.png)

Whats up


mutt can you shut down this dead nigger baby of a website it would be be beneficial for shoally cucks and they won’t waste time I thinks


It can be moved to art and turned into a sticky if anyone wants that
I always thought of /art/ as being a pseudo archive for OC so yeah.


File: 1725628905171.png (453.12 KB, 866x876, GSQXdb0XwAARVoc.png)

>mutt can you shut down this dead nigger baby of a website it would be be beneficial for shoally cucks and they won’t waste time I thinks


kill yourself thats all i have to say


File: 1725628926776.png (1.28 MB, 927x654, 2bcda7e85e8be14f0d8d330fe7….png)


i like having it on /soy/ because its a point of pride for the site, after bump limit maybe


I'll do it if froot himself wiretaps me 100$ and orders me a bigmac i'm hungry nigga


File: 1725628972053.png (178.47 KB, 427x520, 54.png)

>>>187235 (You)


yeah i meant that


is you still on this site
if not where just curious


File: 1725629101325.jpg (14.88 KB, 232x217, images (3).jpg)

>kill yourself thats all i have to say


File: 1725629147203.png (195.36 KB, 531x482, errrrrm.png)

>it's been four hours


doll was so obsessed he didn’t even get the capcode right


File: 1725629265763.gif (437.06 KB, 200x210, pepe hang.gif)

>capcode fail
over. just fire me @Angeleno and sell the site back svvt and let him shut it down


Doll, that’s enough. We’re not buying it.


>wiretaps me money
esl fail


File: 1725629333892.jpg (25.12 KB, 370x355, 1724348255633.jpg)

yeah i've still been around
now who are you


File: 1725629418933.png (63.46 KB, 981x1608, A9E3CFD4-9A85-42A3-AF33-7D….png)


File: 1725629487491.jpeg (82.43 KB, 1277x1496, 1682179845710.jpeg)

readding doll.html in 2 weeks
I'm tired nigga give me a break


What an obsessed esl bread
it’s so dead even the chin has more pph


What’s your favorite season


unban my main proxy


hryk just move this shit thread to /fnf/
winter even though it's cold as fuck


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can't file a ban appeal award


tnd or pnd


This user will flood the splinter with child porn. Do not unban.


What social media do you use?
What do you think of transfolx?
What's the link to the niggerduckbooru?


i only like winter because there aren’t any mosquitos or rats and you can go mountain climbing without fearing of snakes


wait no i see what happened


File: 1725630053908.png (3.53 MB, 1478x1125, ClipboardImage.png)

>>>187257 (You)
>can't file a ban appeal award


did the shemmy peak when bman made his tnd and hitler phonk edits thread



i know it's not a question but i think you're cool mutt


>What social media do you use?
none really
>What do you think of transfolx?
bad, they ruin too many things
>What's the link to the niggerduckbooru?
sooscord has it only sorry
those were straight from ohio
albeit the peak of the shemmy was probably during june-july
i forgot if that happened then


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>the peak of the shemmy was when we were obsessed with drama and had one OC thread


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i'm gonna take a break or something if there are more questions then i'll answer them later
remember it is not healthy to be on soyboy websites for this long even if i'm the admin


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aie how the fuck did i mess that up


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Sell this site to froot


ok i will if froot emails me


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>Sell this site to froot



what's your favourite 'jak variant?


didn't look at any of my other answers award


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>>>187351 (You)
>didn't look at any of my other answers award


kill yourself nigger


live yourself aryan


I'm sorry


Do you hate 'zelligposters?


File: 1726690882243.png (9.24 KB, 341x440, cooc.png)

>11 day late question in an ama

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