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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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New rule changes dropped, basically the same as what we've been doing for a while. Still important to take a look at if you care. Feel free to scream at us if you don't like them.

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 No.187061[View All]

Thought about doing one since I haven't really done a proper one in months and things have changed a lot since then.
And I don't wanna attention whore on /soy/ I'll have this thread here because why not.
Hit me with whatever.
155 posts and 51 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


kill yourself thats all i have to say


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i like having it on /soy/ because its a point of pride for the site, after bump limit maybe


I'll do it if froot himself wiretaps me 100$ and orders me a bigmac i'm hungry nigga


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>>>187235 (You)


yeah i meant that


is you still on this site
if not where just curious


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>kill yourself thats all i have to say


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>it's been four hours


doll was so obsessed he didn’t even get the capcode right


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>capcode fail
over. just fire me @Angeleno and sell the site back svvt and let him shut it down


Doll, that’s enough. We’re not buying it.


>wiretaps me money
esl fail


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yeah i've still been around
now who are you


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readding doll.html in 2 weeks
I'm tired nigga give me a break


What an obsessed esl bread
it’s so dead even the chin has more pph


What’s your favorite season


unban my main proxy


hryk just move this shit thread to /fnf/
winter even though it's cold as fuck


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can't file a ban appeal award


tnd or pnd


This user will flood the splinter with child porn. Do not unban.


What social media do you use?
What do you think of transfolx?
What's the link to the niggerduckbooru?


i only like winter because there aren’t any mosquitos or rats and you can go mountain climbing without fearing of snakes


wait no i see what happened


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>>>187257 (You)
>can't file a ban appeal award


did the shemmy peak when bman made his tnd and hitler phonk edits thread



i know it's not a question but i think you're cool mutt


>What social media do you use?
none really
>What do you think of transfolx?
bad, they ruin too many things
>What's the link to the niggerduckbooru?
sooscord has it only sorry
those were straight from ohio
albeit the peak of the shemmy was probably during june-july
i forgot if that happened then


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>the peak of the shemmy was when we were obsessed with drama and had one OC thread


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i'm gonna take a break or something if there are more questions then i'll answer them later
remember it is not healthy to be on soyboy websites for this long even if i'm the admin


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aie how the fuck did i mess that up


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Sell this site to froot


ok i will if froot emails me


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>Sell this site to froot



what's your favourite 'jak variant?


didn't look at any of my other answers award


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>>>187351 (You)
>didn't look at any of my other answers award


kill yourself nigger


live yourself aryan


I'm sorry


Do you hate 'zelligposters?


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>11 day late question in an ama

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