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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

Jouw toegewijde Ongezellig bord!
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File: 1724183068857.png (39.49 KB, 855x762, 1723138122725.png)


i just wrote a pitch for a possible continuation of zellig but then realized it's retarded and decided to not post it


File: 1724183738086.png (39.47 KB, 855x762, what.png)

id love to hear it


okay but i kind of fumbled the ending

this is my pitch:
i think the logical continuation after the first "arc" of zellig is thus:
Coco and Maya now understand each other a bit better, with the former now suggesting for Maya to go and try finding her own friends. This could be shown in a few scenes where Coco teaches her basic human interaction lessons, and Maya fumbles each one. Coco is upset and goes back to the drawing board, while Mymy tries to show Maya how to make friends in her own way. This results in a funny scene where Maya ambushes some people with a toy gun, ordering them to be friends with her, with Mymy possibly trying to support/cheer for her in the back.
Maya is very sad about failing. She gets all gloomy on her bed. Mymy opens the door and begrudgingly apologizes about the earlier mishap(Coco forced her to apologize). Maya is a bit angry at Mymy, and then asks her how does she make friends so easily and not fear other people judging her for her "openness". Prideful, Mymy says she's just being her authentic self.
The next day, while on a bus stop or some shit, a granny asks Maya to move her bag to free a spot on the bench so she could sit on it. Maya is quick to comply and apologize. The granny tells her how nice she is, but Maya argues what use is it being nice if she doesn't even have anyone to be nice to. She starts venting her frustrations to the granny without realizing. Granny replies, "well, I don't see you freaking out right now" At this point it hits Maya, she managed to have this talk with the granny because she was herself and didn't fear anything.
After taking the bus to home, she runs to the house to tell Coco about the discovery, only to see that she's already sleeping. Mymy asks her what's the hurry, and Maya gifts her some sweet pastry she bought, saying "I get it now." She then runs off into her room, leaving Mymy confused, but she doesn't mind the gift.
Earlier in the episode, Coco could've suggested for Maya to start keeping a journal of "little victories" or something. So, to wrap up the episode, Maya writes about her little victory with the granny in it.

handling this show is a bit tricky, i assume it's supposed to be about the struggles of an asocial person. and to show the development and growth of such an asocial person while making it make sense and seem logical could be tricky. i think zellig could've been a great show to inspire people to grow without being forceful or in your face about it. personal growth is slow, so Maya refusing to play the game with Coco and Mymy at the end of the pilot was pretty realistic


this is quite good


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Forgot to read this earlier, I like it



you made something very good here


erm svvt do this


File: 1724242786258.png (36.55 KB, 200x200, 200px-Mymylicia.png)

>>>2220 (You)
>erm svvt do this


youre right this is retarded



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