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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

Jouw toegewijde Ongezellig bord!
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Does anyone want to watch "Брат" (Brother) in cytube in few minutes? It's one of best russian movies or so I've heard


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>Does anyone want to watch "Брат" (Brother) in cytube in few minutes? It's one of best russian movies or so I've heard


subbed or dubbed


we’ve already made plans to watch oldboy doe




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>omg watching it in sub or dub ruins the experience of the movie
>the one word that gets changed is integral to the plot


why not


10-20 mins, I have to set up cytube


it's too late for me right now so no


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>cytube in 2024


>russian moves
What's it about? Communism, Marxism, Socialism, Karl Marx, Lenin or homossexual ass rape?


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<The hourly thread limit has been reached. Please post in an existing thread.


its about killing niggers


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test >>1337


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check out >>1488


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>check out >>1488


Go up




"Brat" it's a ziggercringe, just like documental movie about African jungles but with some white wiggers and half asian mongrels instead of actual niggers. I am russian-speaking btw so billions must trust me

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