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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

Jouw toegewijde Ongezellig bord!
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File: 1724033523063.png (54.99 KB, 855x762, BJbwqLqZ7MJq_ydzkNZa0A.png)


>learn to quote


File: 1724033637537.png (87.54 KB, 441x696, ClipboardImage.png)

don't quote me with mymys i created


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which zellig is your favorite and why is it not coco


Mymy but they're all good


meds mymy is an anti-white shitskin white larper
coco is a shitskin lover but shes white nice and pretty
maya is a chudcel but shes a shitskin like satoko


meds now


what did i say that isnt true


white mymy denial is da joos or something


mymy hates white people, is asian, is disturbed by racism and is a furry
maya is a chudcel but she's also a gooner shitskin
coco is white but shes a normie who sneeded after finding out what belgium did it congo
the only girl with any value there is coco for being white. maya, who deserves to be white, isnt.


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tell me what i said that isnt right


You're wrong because you just are okay???


i used to be a mymyfag so i understand how much mental pressure there is to hide from the truth that shes not a chud but an anti white shitskin


How is she anti white doe worshiping VOC is pretty chuddy


>anti white
hating belgians even doe they're white and trying to start brvther wvrs
being disgusted when she finds out about what happened in congo


>being disgusted when she finds out about what happened in congo
That was coco albeit


have you even watched the show? remember when she looks disgusted and says "yeah they can have that one" like she doesnt want to be competing about chuddiness


Doesn't that imply that she's giving Belgians a point for something


lets solve the problem by watching it



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