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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

Jouw toegewijde Ongezellig bord!
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1723462528675.jpg (434.15 KB, 1080x1147, n.jpg)


>when I see the 'log (its gemmy)


File: 1723462805982.jpeg (21.51 KB, 254x255, pkkkeee.jpeg)

>>when I see the 'log (its gemmy)


File: 1723462900271.png (2.48 MB, 1125x1314, 163_20240401005732.png)

>>>when I see the 'log (its gemmy)


File: 1723462993941.png (534.77 KB, 558x813, 1685016799492.png)

whats a good program to liquify online


what do you mean by liquify


File: 1723463355648.png (397.23 KB, 558x813, ClipboardImage.png)


Zellig troons use that tool to embed csam links into their posts


File: 1723463400640.png (202.73 KB, 768x719, swine.png)

distort like this


Yeah something is definetly embeded into this…


File: 1723463520471.png (614.14 KB, 558x813, ClipboardImage.png)

just use gimp i think thats what people use


File: 1723463626548.png (605.08 KB, 558x813, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1723463711888.png (502.11 KB, 558x813, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1723463893936.png (599.42 KB, 558x813, ClipboardImage.png)


go up




she's right


File: 1723880220362.jpg (119.32 KB, 1282x2015, 46 - laughing pepe.jpg)



its brimmy, gem it up



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