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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

Jouw toegewijde Ongezellig bord!
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File: 1724026839935-0.jpg (159.94 KB, 1200x795, MV5BMjE2NzIwMjU4OF5BMl5Ban….jpg)

File: 1724026839935-1.png (3 MB, 1726x1200, 1696981171485.png)


zelligpedos are so illerate and retarded that they can't even debunk 2nd picture
say "wordswordswords", translated: "i'm the most illerate faggot who can't even read a word"
say "seetherald", translated: "i'm a retarded faggot who can't even debunk a essay about coalzellig being bad"


File: 1724027291247.gif (197.4 KB, 855x762, MymyLaugh.gif)

wordswordswords seetherald

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