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/zellig/ - Ongezellig

Jouw toegewijde Ongezellig bord!
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i watched this video and then i cried


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its beautiful words cant describe how good this is >>143


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oh my nigger i hate bitch die nigger


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soos stays up all day waiting for a tranny to reply to him, tranny chasing faggot that needs to die and go to hell


oh coswork!


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if i ever catch soos trying to pink pill anyone in my family i will kill him with a shotgun
sorry soos but we dont like trannies in this house!


he's been gone for about a week btw. he was the major force except for trangeleno pushing rulecucking.


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soos has banned me before because i spoke truth to power, hes a little faggot bitch who has simped for multiple trannies. he wishes this site was his gay little 4cuck s4s old internet culture safe space. that young nigger needs to die


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who? jaikacuz has come and gone. he also banned doxing because daddy doll was doxed.


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She is so gemmy ♡


this. is. mymy.


go up


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Up mymy


up mymy

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