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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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The only reason this dnb of a site has PPH is because there is a shemaliecord whose purpose is to make the shemalie alive and everyone in it has a quota of 5 posts per hour


OP here. I LOOOOOVE taking BBC!


Swine is projecting I see.


the difference is that the swine is also a dnb but they have no cord thats why they get 10 posts per day


discord is aryan doe and i know it because I AM A DISCORDGOD. SWINNYCORD WON!


they literally have an official telegram channel


>telegram is le cord


Still projecting. All we have is a Telegram announcements channel and a janny groupchat on there as well, and the latter itself is a dead nigger storage so I'm sorry we have actual posters.


kill yourself swinnytranny


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telegram is le cord



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>Still projecting. All we have is a Telegram announcements channel and a janny groupchat on there as well, and the latter itself is a dead nigger storage so I'm sorry we have actual posters.


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>>Still projecting. All we have is a Telegram announcements channel and a janny groupchat on there as well, and the latter itself is a dead nigger storage so I'm sorry we have actual posters.


>yes gooyyyy, all we have is a telegram announcements and a jannyc- i mean janny group chat, forget it goyyyyy


Not a good look swinnysisters…


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>>yes gooyyyy, all we have is a telegram announcements and a jannyc- i mean janny group chat, forget it goyyyyy


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yes gooyyyy, all we have is a telegram announcements and a jannyc- i mean janny group chat, forget it goyyyyy


>shemmycord woke up


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>swinny is an authentically active website
>shemmy is a discord playground


kek why are they like this


they do look like and say this





>swinnycucks dont know what quoting is


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>using the word xista in the year 2024


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reminder this is the average thread on the sw*nny




Are you diagnosed with ASS BURGERS


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holy gem im going to the swinny kek


wtf i love the swinny now




this is the aryan posting style btw


>this one thread is more active than the swinny


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dont you regularly publicly leak the IPs of posters and have threatened to doxx feraltroon for no fucking reason once and have also banned someone for referencing a gemmy video when he didnt even post it


>xe doesnt know about our secret board with 10000000 pph


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they literally publicly leaked my IP because I said something slightly anti swinny not knowing I knew they were gonna pull that dumb move and was posting on a residential


they dont like niggerrapestranny because theyre the trannt and the niggers are all of quotes personalities


>publicly leak the ips of posters
i only remember the ips of mudbots being leaked (and foodists too)
>threatened to doxx feraltroon for no fucking reason

>also banned someone for referencing a gemmy video when he didnt even post it

>gemmy video
kill yourself


also how the fuck is niggerrapestranny rule 2
whats their rule 2 i forgot


no degeneracy


no shit i wasnt a "mudbot" i just posted a frog making fun of your shit site and you leaked me and someone else's IP for no reason
>this is bannable despite him only saying the filename and not even posting the video


>threatened to doxx fecaltroon for no reason
thats dravidian chillyshit
everyone is a foodist according to the swinny (except them)
i forgot but they actually tried to dox him because of what he did when he was a swinny janny and their admin used to spam fecalteens ip
>kill yourself


holy kek what a rulecucked shithole


obsessed word filter


ill admit this one was probably a fail, they probably thought you was another mudbot


yup mudbots won
swinnyfails lost


>everyone is a foodist according to the swinny (except them)
do you have proof of them leaking the ip of an innocent user (other than the ones which they thought were mudbots)


it happens all the time, you can probably test that yourself with a residential vpn, just say anything that can annoy them
it didnt happen to me personally but ive seen that happen before
swinnyfails are something i remember when they posted cp links on the kiwifarms sharty thread


and that has been happening way before the mudbots


>swinnyfails are something i remember when they posted cp links on the kiwifarms sharty thread
that was discord trannycord, they falseflag as swinnycacas often


yeah no fucking shit it was a fail its never a good look for a site to publicly leak IPs this is why no one goes to your dead site


it was literally posted by the official swinny kiwifarms account


also because theyre so rulecucked they ban you for slightly criticizing their jannycord


tsmt its sad because ALL of their posters are their underaged shitskin janitors atleast there are actual posters on here i dont wanna be the only poster in a rulecucked shithole with only jannies


seriously though ive seen swinnycacas beg their jannies not to ban them just because they posted something mildly "degen", its THAT bad


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>the swinny


prove it, censor the cp link


i dont save cp link screenshots but you can find the post (it got jannied so the cp links are gone but they actually posted that) in the kiwifarms sharty thread, they were babbling about chinnyshits posting cp on their website so they posted an uncensored screenshot of the cp links but the kiwifarms jannies removed it


its not the first time they fail like this, they archive this kind of stuff ('p) to prove it happened

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