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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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elagu eesti nõukogude sotsialistlik vabariik!


Hi vadim


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the ussr collapsed and ukraine is winning lol


Why did you choose to manage shemmy?


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>the ussr collapsed and ukraine is winning lol


one thing happened after another and i ended up as admin or rather the owner now.


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Would you sell this site if you were offered a good amount of money?


i doubt anyone would offer anything for this site and i couldnt be bothered to even go through the hassle.


why would you pay 300 shekels for this shithole just let it rot


Do you plan to do something about the current situation of the site?


no, i am too busy watching blacked.


vadimxistas I-


we have a few things planned for the future, also the current situation isnt nearly as bad as it was a month ago.


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What other site do you use apart from this one?




Do you have any presence on other social media sites outside the shemmy?
Also what are your views on the Sharty and Froot?


i am very active on the r/trans subreddit and i dont like the sharty because theyre too transphobic, i am all right with froot because he gives me awards on reddit.


Also what are the reddit usernames of you and froot? I'm just curious


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>What other site do you use apart from this one?
>Do you have any presence on other social media sites outside the shemmy?
apart from telegram i dont use any other site.
>Also what are your views on the Sharty and Froot?
nothing positive.


Man I fall for falseflags this horribly


thats not a falseflag, froots reddit username is u/frootypatooty and mine is u/6ix3eet




You're literally part of a community that is less than a year old and has 7 fucking administration changes. Now thats is not a flex


thats aryan swinnycuck


won’t capcode award


the fucking shoally has 5x your shitholes pph


You don't understand quality over quantity


this some type of shit you’d hear on the jarty keeeeeek


Make 1,000,000 slopjaks and sunos of the swinny if you're so proud of yourselves and think we're Jarty #2


Also I am trans


vadim ban all swinnycucks


vadim ban all swinnycucks


the jarty was actually relevant unlike the swinny thats why nobody makes fun of you


I'm doing nothing wrong against this place. Things will be the same as it is
Maybe we can reach a settling point one day, but I dont know


>go on swinny
>half the posts are talking about other soyjak websites and the other half is self inserting as the soijak


Friendly reminder that when the Jarty died, many of its users migrated to the Shemmy


us swinnysisters take soyboy wojack posting SERIOUSLY get used to it chudcels


the jarty barely had any users left when it shutdown nigga be real, and most of them just left the soysphere altogether, i doubt any came and stayed here.


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Proud to be a former poster on the best soyjak website


Hello vadim I hope you had a good day


Kill yourself


I'm killing myself after seeing this it's so fucking over

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