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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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So what did we learn today /soy/?


deine mutter


that chinnycuck tranime shitlita posters should be impaled alive


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ben garrison cum edit thread now
post ben garrison cum edits


Kill yourself


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>seething this hard over ms paint drawings


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she looks so cute here


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they got banned because of YOU and your friend dumbass tranny because youre both pedos and made the site rulecucked even more tor us


That love strengthens through war


tama is beautiful


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>>>393912 (You)
>>>393914 (You)
>>>393918 (You)


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>they got banned because of YOU and your friend dumbass tranny
soylita drawings?
>your friend
i sh1tpost with people on an imageboard its not deep
>because youre both pedos
idk about the anonymous people i was posting with, but i'm not a pedo. i know some people from ch1nny had a reputation for posting pedobait or ironic pedo jokes. but i never have and never will, because i think it's wrong.
>made the site rulecucked even more tor us
literally nothing changed what do you mean


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2+2=4 is propaganda


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>>>393918 (You)
>>>393922 (You)
>>>393931 (You)
>>>393930 (You)
>>>393914 (You)
>>>393912 (You)


imagine being this gay


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i dont need to imagine :3


>soylita drawings?
yes and even shoyta because you niggers kept posting it
>i sh1tpost with people on an imageboard its not deep
<shitposting with people is when I spam the catalog with inside jokes, bbc spam, soylita and gigaquoting
>i'm not a pedo
stop posting shitlita then dumbass it's evident it has pedo traces since it was made and it just makes you look like a discord troon
>literally nothing changed what do you mean
are you retarded? look at the rules it became way more strict than before and lots of people complained about it


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shitposting with people is when I spam the catalog with inside jokes, bbc spam, soylita and gigaquoting


go outside lil nigga πŸ–•πŸΏπŸ˜‚πŸ–•πŸΏ


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shitposting with people is when I spam the catalog with inside jokes, bbc spam, soylita and gigaquoting


can you guys stop arguing and fuck already so you two can forgive eachothee


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shitposting with people is when I spam the catalog with inside jokes, bbc spam, soylita and gigaquoting


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shitposting with people is when I spam the catalog with inside jokes, bbc spam, soylita and gigaquoting


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shitposting with people is when I spam the catalog with inside jokes, bbc spam, soylita and gigaquoting


yeah shitposting is when i crack inside jokes and have fun saying things i dont mean like bbc jokes or posting gigachads
the reason i post soylita is because even the tamest ms paint drawings make nusoicacas SEETHE for no reason except that froot/doll told them that a soy wojak = pedophilia.
>it's evident it has pedo traces
nobody sexualized soylita when it was first made, not like you were even on soy sites back then KEK
btw there were entire discords like /colony and /affy full of real pedos who used soyjaks as mascots. LETS STOP POSTING SOYJAKS BECAUSE IF SOME PEDOS USED IT, THEY MUST ALL BE A PEDO DOGWHISTLE!


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>shitposting with people is when I spam the catalog with inside jokes, bbc spam, soylita and gigaquoting


File: 1734418536386.png (100.25 KB, 509x423, gigachad sex soyjak tagme-….png)

shitposting with people is when I spam the catalog with inside jokes, bbc spam, soylita and gigaquoting


oh my newfag are you sane


soyjaks won gigas lost


bro acting like he isnt a newfag either


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soyjaks are a dead meme


>you're a newfag if you don't sperg out at low quality ms paint drawings


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i'm not because I remember the shit that was posted with shitlita and shoyta back in the day
kys arcturus


I can think of one time she was sexualized back then so ha


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ban soyjacks cos theyre offensive


in early 2022? she definitely wasnt at the very start, obviously by mid 2023 it got bad.


some folx also edited other soyjaks in lolicoal back in the day


It wasn't really bad it was just soytan and fem gapejak being jealous of her being more attractive or something like that along those lines yeah


this i remember a fair amount of ias edits of chino (or is it cirno?) getting fucked


how is that not bad ew


I think you mean chika




it's not bad enough to care about for more than a second.


i've wondered for a long time whether lolicon builds or suppresses actual pedophiles' desires for real children.


idgaf lol


it wasnt just cirno/chika/chino


snca let's kill all pedos and lolicons now


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>idgaf lol


i dont collect 2021 soyjak lolicon edits lmao how am i meant to know or care


me neither but im just saying there were like dozens of them, it wasnt just one anime girl



that soyjaks are a dead meme.

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