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/soy/ - Soyjaks

Password (For file deletion.)

The Game

File: 1729545767218.png (55.81 KB, 600x700, 1709178044045-0.png)



>23 seconds
>no one joined
what a dead nigger


they should rename it to skribbldi


skribbl is rulecucked play gartic



hop in


starting at 7 people because 7 is a good number or something along those lines


File: 1729546893193.png (51.29 KB, 512x512, 1729546841075.png)

you need to link your discord and shit just to play in public lobbies for gartic. is this really what cockvorepedo considers "unrulecucked"


rape every single one


File: 1729546999440.png (577.88 KB, 1348x822, ClipboardImage.png)

Not on discord



File: 1729547840770.png (49.12 KB, 600x600, mamejakbutsomething'snotqu….png)

you will never live again soon your life will end


File: 1729548251832.jpeg (32.13 KB, 474x632, Doll2.jpeg)

>everyone leaves as soon as i join
go die


File: 1729548294080.png (1.14 MB, 878x1000, 1728685296734p.png)

Best gartic phone game ever.


>inb4 nobody saved the drawings


they weren't good anyway


what did i miss?


you missed the giveaway


if you guys want i can host a magma later

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