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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1725785094830.jpeg (262.28 KB, 960x1415, IMG_0021.jpeg)


Meet kuro!


is this delicious chocolate queen one of those new -tans or something


File: 1725785552149-0.png (116.79 KB, 534x687, 1723461537380 (1).png)

File: 1725785552149-1.gif (285.05 KB, 640x480, 1722933892894 (1).gif)

File: 1725785552149-2.png (306.3 KB, 879x901, 17290342_Tama.png)

File: 1725785552149-3.png (98.74 KB, 609x711, image-38.png)

coal, Tama won, this will never never take off


Character made by a jartycuck pooner award


>delicious chocolate queen
I didn't know ARYANS used the shemmy wtf


i like the design but i think the color palette could be better
there are too many colors that clash with each other
usually green goes well with brown, but i see you chose blue to make it gem-related, is that correct



What colors would u want


File: 1725787800006-0.png (83.33 KB, 345x573, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1725787800006-1.png (80.88 KB, 318x574, ClipboardImage.png)

i don't know really. i tried to edit it myself. which do you think looks better?


Imo green doesn’t fit but I could tweak the shades of blue


yeah you're right. i'd like to see your version


File: 1725801921352.png (123.71 KB, 396x735, Untitled2_20240908202507.png)

Shitty edit


hmm, the skirt might be too bright, taking away attention from the upper body




tama slopjak thread


Erm this is #meta not #general or #art, one more time and I'll have to tell a mod on you…

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