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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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Is this site's soybooru ever going to be less slow and get more post approvers?


1. Frootcord constantly spams it I think
2. Ask for it


File: 1724993207842.png (8.19 KB, 188x230, ClipboardImage.png)

I got a host error for hours earlier so I don't know how that'd effect it. It either works fine, takes minutes to load every page, or just doesn't load at all


well i guess I mean to say more of DDoS


if the reason you're using ours is because of geetest quote removed that from mcchallenge and replaced it with the sharty post captcha


I just want to use a 'ru without datamining n shieet, since it has all the posts before a certain point it's been a good replacement it's just slow

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