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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
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File: 1724299027321.webp (24.66 KB, 478x593, fishing.webp)


How did he see the IPs? Don't we cloak IPs?




this is the sharty dumbass


It isn't though, I think it's an old page that didn't get deleted


its a janny



The https://soygem.party/bans.php page really should use cloaks instead of actual IP ranges, this is a pretty big privacy violation, especially when people get meme-banned. I use residential proxies but I know for a fact not everybody does because I've seen people post their real IPs on site.


The one that's at the top bar is https://soygem.party/bans.html so this one is just useless other than invasion of privacy anyway


why is .php still here? angeleno/mutt should remove it if it only exists to invade people's privacy

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