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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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jannies or scar or whoever the fuck i'll be completely honest you should probably just shut the site down at this point because its just a breeding ground for foodist and pedophile drama and your moderators are incapable of moderating the site properly when csam shit, falseflagging, animal gore, doxx gets posted and these faggots won't stop until the site is dead (that's their entire goal), i'd rather GTFO and delete fucking everything right now if i were site owner, move out, change my name to something generic and never come back because this discord tranny faggot is legitimately not going to stop and it's only a matter of time before you start actually getting swatted and feds are too incompetent to do anything

its a shame but im being fully honest here, if i get banned for posting this (i have never posted on the shemmy before but seeing it targetted by this much discords at once and foodists just makes me sad) i guess it's whatever but im just saying

foodists are only attracted to places where they can get attention for the shit they do, if they do not have a platform to do fucked shit on, they just go away (or fuck up on discord and get arrested geg)


at the very least make an effort to implement some form of auto moderation against this stuff because from what i see theres none and every single discord can rape the site if they want and they're sadly terminally online with nothing better to do on their lives so they spend all day just posting fucked up shit and jannies cant do shit about it :/


>thread 120k posts ago
>falseflagger whom falseflags
the moderation sux but shutting it down over that would be stupid
i've only seen 'p stay up for over 2 minutes once


>every single discord can rape the site if they want
what are you talking about
there's one single guy spamming and soon enough he'll run out of proxies


what about the afterparty faggots with 300000+ ips botting the site with discord invites, you can't just easily fix a problem like that with just banning, there needs to be some form of auto moderation and atleast do something similar to what the 'party does and have a CSAM/animalgore filter


>botting the site with discord invites
>CSAM/animalgore filter
actually do that doe


Svvt has expressed an interest in auto moderation, the reason why they're able to rape the site (sometimes) is due to the gaps in our moderation. We'll be trying to bring that down from now on though. Again, sorry if spam or any discord nigger shit stays up for more than a couple minutes. But shutting down the site just because of a couple no lives shit it up once a day would just be giving them what they want.


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just your average shemaly culture threads. if tranitors banned these people then the site would be even deader.




op are you retarded?


giving up means subhuman 'cord vermin win


if i feel no more interest in running the site i will just pass it onto somebody else




svvt if you actually shutdown the site redirect it to the swinny its the only splinter with potential to actually be better than the shitty


stop necrobumping this shit thread nigger

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