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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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>4 week ban
>reason: made posts i dont like


someone thought you were ban evaiding (for some reason)
thats what the posted it again award ban means


cant make this shit up. i should stop posting here before a janny deletes my posts criticizing the site again and falsely puts 'p or illegal shit as the ban reason.


they already did that once becuase i used the word "moraltranny", but nothing came out of that


they actually framed you for being a 'p posting pedo? just for offending them?


ill check the mod logs to see who did it one sec


I'm tired of these seething nigger jannies




>kuz is a janny now.


> falsely puts 'p or illegal shit as the ban reason.
that if its the ban reason
is a way to hash ban the image
but it should only be used for illegal things like animal or dead kid gore


Gorefag or whoever OP is should be allowed to bait in peace, if anyone seethes at it then so be it


furchad above




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>the coverup already began


there's more than 1 person who thinks that unrulecucking will save the site.
>but it should only be used for illegal things like animal or dead kid gore
if you didn't know janny, photos of dead children aren't illegal. animal gore probably isn't either because 4cuck allowed zippocat on /b/ iirc and its servers are in the usa but its a grayer area with animal gore legally so banning it is the safer choice.


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didn't ask


dw removed


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derailing the thread award


the oldest trick in the /j/cord playbook


I didnt mean to im sorry
just forgot to clear the name field


give this a read janny so you dont ban people for "illegal content" if they didnt post anything illegal >>5111


but even if gore will not be unspoiled you can still cry about it
ill find who banned your ip and pm them maybe demote them if they dont care
you should always be able to cry about the state of the site


its ok kuz.


making it so you cant is bad no matter how you spin it
i personaly deleted the jakbox thread (if im not wrong where the drama started)
because the original op text instructed us to do fucked up things to streamers including fucking up their pc and i really dont want a repeat of that happening here


you already edited the Jackbox OP to remove the part that was actually against shemmy rules (malware) then you leaked about porn/gore. are porn and gore brimstone? of course. but free speech is what really matters.


photos of dead kids are not illegal and i know that
regardless i will use that button to hashban it because its easier then manually banning them for that
maybe i could just make it a hashban button? idk maybe i could rewrite the ban message after?


idk i was just upset about how inherently mean it was
i told them to make a new thread and no one did
i even unlocked it and no one used the thread


my thought prosses is if no one is using the thread and it makes us look bad why have it
that along with the presser of like 3 ips telling me to just delete it and i could not think of a reson to keep it
sorry im so bad at typing btw


>i was just upset about how inherently mean it is
moderate according to your website's rules. enforce the rules, don't make your own. if you make your own rules, we end up with 4cuck 2, with powertripping jannies ruining it.


anyways i think this is just me talking to my self now
i hope you can see the thought processes that goes into my decisions
i really dont want users that could ruin what this site currently is and i think unbanning gore does that
i think if we unban gore the fundamentals of the site change


>my thought prosses is if no one is using the thread and it makes us look bad why have it
once you removed the malware links in OP, you were in the clear.
>makes us look bad
subjective and if you cared about "looking bad" you would ban obvious bait.


when modding you are not a robot
you think and feel as a normal person would
some people are better then this then others but sometimes we all fall into the trap of banning everything i dont like
its human error and im sorry


>that along with the presser of like 3 ips telling me to just delete it and i could not think of a reson to keep it
>the pressure of 3 ips made me delete a thread
so you make decisions based on pressure from random users, instead of the rules?
you're probably new, but come on, you must see the problem with that.


no i love bait threads
i make bait threads my self i think it makes the site look better because we allow bait


if you can't enforce the rules at https://soygem.party/rules.html, you are not fit to be a janitor.
not everybody is fit to be a janitor and that's okay.


iv been modding for the full 6 months
please read every message i wrote and relply to them all instead of this


that tells me that you don't care about moderating to avoid the site looking bad.


please link to your posts itt


in reverse order
sorry for deleting one post and i pmmed the janny i have no idea how he banned you for that has to be bullshit


linked one of your posts by mistake


>that if its the ban reason
i was saying i'm worried that powertripping jannies might frame people who criticize the site as being pedophiles, discorders or other evil groups.
>but it should only be used for illegal things like animal or dead kid gore
i have never posted either of these but dead kid gore is not illegal in the USA. animal gore probably isn't illegal either because zippocat was allowed on /b/ and ED. and 4chan servers are in the USA. but animal gore is a legal gray area iirc so banning it is smart.


i just said "didn't ask"
i don't really care if you have fun with capcodes as long as you don't say which mod you are or do something controversial because this would divide the site.


dw snca


>but even if gore will not be unspoiled you can still cry about it
we should be able to complain about the current rules


its a lot of fun doing that
one of my favorit threads to make is one where i say "no one else can post itt" then i just delete every reply
if you ever get mod somewhere i would recommend this as your first action


this is something a fw heavy
if we fuck up i want a catalog of you shitting on us for it


>because the original op text instructed us to do fucked up things to streamers including fucking up their pc
i think next time you deal with this, please be clearer
maybe make a comment with the capcode saying
(In your OP, you encouraged people to send malware to streamers. DO NOT DO THIS. The links to the malware have been removed. If you send malware to anyone, which is ILLEGAL, you will be banned.)
>fucked up things
the thread also said to spam gore
yes gore is immoral and disgusting but we have no rule against raiding other sites with gore.


are you talking into your phone?


i would never do that
nope my phone would have proper gamar and spelling
>yes gore is immoral and disgusting but we have no rule against raiding other sites with gore.
well yeah i guess
there is also no way to ban raiding with gore tf am i gonna do become mod on twitch get your ip then ban you here? just dont do it it makes the site look like just the sharty and ruins our image


because posting gore of children is banned but not written in the rules, this is a problem. either it should be unbanned or it should be added to the rules.
banning people for a long time for posting child gore, when its not in the rules, is overstepping.
it's not even a rule, just something the jannies decided once the sharty declared child gore as bad as 'p. it's immoral and disgusting, but so is all gore and all racebait.


i guess i could ban people bragging about raiding with gore but no one does that


>idk i was just upset about how inherently mean it was
it is inherently mean, but your job as janny is not to enforce your morals, it is to enforce the rules at soygem.party/rules.html.
>i even unlocked it and no one used the thread
i think it scared them away.


>my thought prosses is if no one is using the thread and it makes us look bad why have it
you wouldn't apply this thought process to bbc bait would you?
your job as a janny is to enforce the rules. not to decide what you think is good or bad and ban what you dont like.
if you want the rules changed, talk to the /j/cord


>ruins our image
hello lee


>i really dont want users that could ruin what this site currently is and i think unbanning gore does that
please dont take offense but i think you are overstepping
your job is enforcing the site rules
if you cannot do that impartially i dont think you should be a janny for this website.
>i think if we unban gore the fundamentals of the site change
yes but the fundamentals of this site have always been a sharty obsessed splinter with less than 2000 posts every day. would trying a change for a small period like a weekend really be bad?


we're still going to spam gore in raids fuck timmy gon do


i never plan on doing work for free for any site unless i own and profit from it. but i wont forget that.
>this is something a fw heavy
>if we fuck up i want a catalog of you shitting on us for it
tsmt so do you agree the ban and deletion waves were unjustified?
>ruins our image
right now we dont have any image
we are an irrelevant dying splinter
did we care about the image of the sharty in 2022? of course not. we just posted whatever we wanted to.


>i guess i could ban people bragging about raiding with gore but no one does that
actually, if you did this you would be banning people for doing things that VIOLATE ZERO RULES
do you agree janny powertripping ruined 4cuck? enforce your sites rules janny and dont make your own


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>no meta threads are allowed on my half dead main board


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