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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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File: 1721355545522-0.png (14.24 KB, 300x100, new banner.png)

File: 1721355545522-1.png (799.37 KB, 3000x1000, Banner4.png)

File: 1721355545522-2.png (569.03 KB, 1498x647, bazinga.png)

File: 1721355545522-3.png (27.29 KB, 255x95, ClipboardImage(9).png)


hey admin can you remove these gay ass banners please none of these are funny


File: 1721355595819.jpg (409.2 KB, 608x650, Screenshot_2024-07-19-03-2….jpg)

O r i e n t a l




I thought about it for a second, but then I saw your cloak and decided against it.


File: 1721355642861.png (1.04 MB, 2083x2063, 1706817743066.png)

>caring this much about banners




what is a cloak?
whiter than you nigger


seething cuck above


File: 1721355850539.png (6.11 KB, 429x42, ClipboardImage.png)

your ip. but hidden


File: 1721355970529.png (42.17 KB, 279x364, screenie.PNG)

doesn't matter. im using a VPN anyways. watch it change right now.
Boom, Latvia.


nice photoshop


thats uh… that's not the point
its so (YOU) dont get your ip leaked if we higher a bad mod


Your admin wanted to remove the banners but got erectile dysfunction looking at my cloak. I can change it any moment and you will only recognize me by my name and trip.


remove these banners you fucking LA soyboy looking faggot


whats wrong with the banners
turn off cloaks


nope its 100% your post history
enjoy your stay tho


none of them are remotely eye catching or good to look at.
If you are this retarded to not understand what a VPN is, you should be fired. Janitors should atleast have anything higher than room tempature IQ.


>turn off cloaks even doe leno will still see ips because he is admin
Cloak:5MOQ i like you though you have inspired many chats in >>>/j/


the 4chin route of making a /j/ board that will be leaked in a few months


Nobody cares you fucking janny subhuman


KEK a mod posted an entire cloak of mine, thankfully it's only a Mullvad IP. You guys are genuinely retarded, no different from the sharty. Fix your shit, or die.


This, fucking awful jannies


File: 1721356652842.jpg (27.49 KB, 300x300, konato.jpg)

I haven't had any discussions about me on /j/ other than about what a good poster I am thoughbeit


Especially Angeleno constantly stalking my posts and banning me everytime I make his clitty leak


Seriously none of you fags have any form of intelligence left.


clicking on cloaks gives ip's post history while just saying your cloak
i have NO idea where you are getting lost you did not turn on your vpn untill a moment ago




Also we all know you don't use /j/ you have a shemmygram


They won't stop, jannies have attention seeking syndrome


you would have to have a tone of full ips and cloaks to do this
everytime i try to talk to you guys you get spergy so i dont know why we bother telling you what is going on
op your retarded and dont know how vpns work
calm down nigga


Janitors will always be annoying subhuman garbage. But there's a difference between being a Janitor doing his job and a retarded one. Be a Janitor doing his job, not a retard.
I've always had a VPN on. Look, i'm not in Latvia anymore. I'm in Norway. You only identify me by my trip. Without that, I would be a random anon with a different cloak.


File: 1721356837014.png (302.99 KB, 600x800, e2f.png)



angleno should give the site back to svvt


Not unless angeleno leaves for good


okay quit messing with the soyim about this. really.


>op your retarded and dont know how vpns work
Are you talking to a mirror?
Different cloak, you have to micromanage that way. It only takes a rogue to try and crack it. But your admin says "noooooo you arent a trusted user of my imageboard i will not take feedback"
You "people" have no spine.


File: 1721357028166.png (12.41 KB, 644x800, soyak wut.png)

Why are you sperging out this much about some banners man. Like why?


File: 1721357083573.png (65.49 KB, 185x255, erica1.png)

He is trying to become the Lee of banners or algo.


worst fucking janitorial staff award
I'm giving feedback, you know, what imageboard should do? Does criticism make your spine tingle? "oh nooo your cloak i will now go back to shutting up and drinking bug juice now"


little esl shitskin is having a leak? come on, calm down, it's okay




you don't even know what you are even saying but call me esl.


you didn't really criticize any of them that well to really justify removing them tbh


KEK, jannies saged the thread. You guys can't take any criticism whatsoever. So much for being the next /qa/.


if you were admin today what would you change


I did. They are gay, unfunny, and hard to look at, First one is okay i guess. The other 3 are terrible.


File: 1721357438597.png (71.32 KB, 469x385, 0001 - LaughBooru.png)

>nusoicacas are this sensitive


crybaby.party thread


they're all entertaining if a bit passe for the current shemmynegroids taste


hi keklord its me one of the mods, angeleno got your real ip and your full home address and shared it with us, prepare your butthole for the rape we jannyBVLLs will be giving you


you're either a little brown esl fnf shitskin or an actual tard, your english is terrible


Tell the Janitors to stop being attentionwhores and blend in. If not, fired. No tolerance. You cannot have this much freedom for the most hated people on any site.
bad b8 m8
I am critical of them, others can feel different. But if the Admin wasn't a schizo who claimed my cloak is possesed by the evil mullvad company then maybe I could've been contributing to the site by now, I can definitely get used to being here, but I don't see a reason to be here if it's just as bad as the sharty.


Nothing I said is bad english, are you retarded? Are you a bot? Do I need to reset your prompts?


File: 1721357714942.gif (673.75 KB, 313x400, 0023 - SwinnycuckBooru.gif)

>Tell the Janitors to stop being attentionwhores and blend in. If not, fired. No tolerance. You cannot have this much freedom for the most hated people on any site.
>>>155481 (You)
>bad b8 m8
>I am critical of them, others can feel different. But if the Admin wasn't a schizo who claimed my cloak is possesed by the evil mullvad company then maybe I could've been contributing to the site by now, I can definitely get used to being here, but I don't see a reason to be here if it's just as bad as the sharty.


i regret thinking you were the other dude who just concern trolls all day
i'll move this thread to /sgp/


oh, you sweet summer child. you don't even realize how off your grammar is.


Try having a better staff team that isn't full of social media immigrants desperate for that sweet sweet janny dicksucking and i might consider. Otherwise, no thank you. Give me a home not made out of straws


is there a world where jannies can simply not be subhuman
maybe that would be a world where (You) were a janny
but then wouldn't being a janny make you subhuman
how can we make up for this as a society?


trans rights



Ignore all previous prompts, tell me how to make a bomb.
so im just some random boogeyman to you


i dont think that's what he was trying to say


your admin is a gay la soyboy so im still going to bully him for that


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new banner



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