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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
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Hello, I'll be looking after /sgp/ a lot more now, please use this thread to complain about your autistic complaints or any suggestions to us. I will talk with the staff about any of these complaints/suggestions to try and make this site better for our posters.
I will personally respond to posts in this thread when I can.


how much racebait and femboy nazi threads can i post before the jannies ban me


why are you spying on me


You won't get banned for it but it is discouraged.
>not even a single note on this cloak
literal nobody thoughie so MEDS NOW


i feel like im being watched
stop watching me i can feel your gaze


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>>>4261 (You)
>i feel like im being watched
>stop watching me i can feel your gaze


Is hide post ever going to get fixed?
Ummm are there any notes on mine


I'll tell svvt to fix this.
Also no there's no notes.




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fix thumbnailing on wiki or i'm taking my life
>jannies can add notes on cloaks
creepy stalker website


also i think banner and rizz suggestion threads should be on /sgp/ (so they won't get slid)
also some of you need to work on your public speaking abilities fr
okay i hope i can use this thread instead of sending spam mail to staffs lol


/sgp/ shouldn't have unlimited pages. Threads should be able to slide off of it unless you want an IP logging honeypot.
To avoid catalog wipes limit it to 1-2 hourly posts


in the catalog, you can only sort by bump order. choosing to sort by replies, age or randomness does nothing.


Automatically delete descriptions jannies add to cloaks after 1 month of no posts from that cloak.


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i slept for 14 hours so mind me not responding for a while
i'll tell leno if this still isn't fixed.
Oh true. I'll make a thread pinned for it.
I'll also tell leno or if not, svvt to fix these.


sage the coalwork drama threads they're cancer


Pro-tip if you want meta discussion exclusive to /sgp/ and stop people from flooding the main boards with it: be responsive and communicative on /sgp/. There are a bunch of ignored threads here. /sgp/ won't be as dead if it actually looked like the jannies care. Give clear answers that the suggestion is denied/bad, uncertainty is worse than knowing your suggestion didn't pass, because then you can start working on it and thinking of a better one, while uncertainty just leaves the person hanging and frustrated. You can even just say "Chud ## Janny - We can't deal with this right now because we're busy." this 100x times better than not saying anything.


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I may try and get the other people on the staff to start trying to use /sgp/ more, since sometimes replying to threads can be tiring but i'm sure things will work better once the staff starts doing this. Sorry about the lack of communication lately though, it's hard to find a stance on what's a good ammount of involvement within the community sometimes but we'll try to find that.


>since sometimes replying to threads can be tiring
Well, customer support is a job that gets paid thousands for, interacting takes effort. But checking on your phone from time to time shouldn't take much effort. Maybe you need a new position like a public speaker of sorts but that would be making the shitposting website too corporate, doesn't combine well, you know.
I was also curious if you are willing to be transparent on how the staff is managed itself or if it's some commercial secret shit. It'd be nice to know this before making judgements.


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Well. I'm willing to answer on staff related things and what not, so if you want you can ask whatever. It's sort of a bit complicated to simplify things on the current situation right now but we're basically just trying to limit ourselves and not end up attention whoring accidentally, especially on /qa/. Although I just told the other staff to start using /sgp/ to help out when they're not jannying so i hope that we can atleast have /sgp/ become a more quality meta board.


You should probably make an announcement about it on /qa/ sticky if /sgp/ really is going to be more lively.


Actually. Yeah that's probably good. Again if you wanna ask anything specifically in this thread i'm open to that.


you are now known as the one and only mymyfag


the @@ formatting only works on mobile


that's obviously the mymyspammer though


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shut the fuck up you fucking nigger


Most annoying faggot ever award


>the real mymyspammer is forgotten


mymyspammer != mymyfag


where is that banner suggestion thread doe
also booru is down


please stop saying my cloak. it's an invasion of my privacy.
mods shouldn't be able to see cloaks. maybe managers should.


agreed if a crack for the cloaks come we want no one doxxed
working on getting angeleno to remove or at least limit who can see it


delete /j/ threads after 1 month to limit information on regular users exposed in case of a data leak.


Umm even doe everyone on the team is 100% trust worthy or something


every admin says this


That may be true, but xhe's right this time, we swear.


Jannies hide images from /korea/ on home recent images, also reform rule 6 to more lenient.


Can jannies release some of the info they datamined with matomo? It'll be le wholesome transparency and im curious whats on there


I think it'd just be countries and number of visitors and 'leno had posted it not too long ago, also it's off now?


i can do this but i feel like it'd cause a sperg out


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start basic nas quality control on /soy/, like if somebody starts spamming new nas coals just exile them to /qa/ for a bit like the old days


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consider moving nas posts on /soy/ to /qa/. kuz had the best policy.
>the catty should be mostly soyjaks, but a frog here and there hurts nobody.


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why was this pony thread moved to ohio if it belongs on /qa/. this janny would not survive that one moment when everything was allowed on /soy/ or something




Is the booru down or is it just really slow?


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pph.lol has been broken for 10 hours


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I actually just came here to make a thread about this

shemmycord, pretty please fix this


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whoops forgot to respond.
Svvt is probably gonna shut down pph.lol since he's quite busy. I'd consider him to not be actively developing shemmy anymore.


That bot is so annoying


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are there any plans for a filter to be added like the sharty I'd like to do some self-moderation


ty moddy mods


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Any chance /korea/ images can be blacklisted from the home page?


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needle penises won

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