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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
Password (For file deletion.)

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Time for a board cull. Which ones do you want gone, which ones do you want to stay.
/j/ not counted you slfs.


delete r/qa burgers


delete /j/ but before that make it public and allow everyone to post


hide but dont lock /pol/ and /int/, they have some gemmy threads and /pol/ could be used as a bunker for the new splinter for sharty /pol/ chuds disillusioned with the site (they made polchud.ru)
keep /qa/ and /art/ on the top bar


(obviously keep /sgp/ on top bar too)
and on the front page, place /qa/ at the top and give it a cool funny name like
>/qa/ - where hell breaks loose
>/art/ - Art and OC
>/sgp/ - soygem.party Meta and Feedback
newGODs might not understand that /qa/ is our main board otherwise


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>delete /j/ but before that make it public and allow everyone to post


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bring back /z/.


But in seriousness, /sss/ appears to be dead. Keep /ptb/ for testing. /qa/ and /art/ best boards. /f/ type shit could be posted on /art/ or /int/. A lot of boards are pretty dead to be honest, but I'm not sure if they should get the axe.


keep /sgp/ /qa/ and /soy/


it sucks to say it but /sss/ should be acked
anyone else remember when /sss/ overtook /soy/ in activity for a morning?
i feel like /sss/ won because its whatever the fuck culture without regard for ias-nas distinctions paved the way for our new and wonderful /qa/


and /art/ o algo


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Okay so what i'm getting at is..
>/sss/ gets removed
>/pol/ locked
>/qa/ retains main board status
>/art/ stays
>remove /f/
>keep /ptb/
>possibly keep /int/
But is there any good serious board suggestions you guys want or are we all good on that front?


just lock /pol/ but reopen it if the polchud.ru immigrants come back to /qa/ if their site shuts/gets cucked
also MOOOOOOOOT please ip-wipe me on /pol/ if its gonna be locked in case doll buys this site in the future
trying to post this again


if youre willing to do this this is my other ip.


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Just the thread? The cloak only goes back to when it was added.


actually just report which posts are yours and i'll delete them.


what if i linked the posts i made? sorry to do this but i think you know doll taking control again might happen


it might be a lot of work and i use incognito so i would be guessing for the most part. how about this
could i ask leno to wipe my IP range's posts on /pol/ when he comes online? i know >>>/pol/114 and >>>/pol/396 are my 2 IPs, even though incognito means im uncertain what posts are mine. his admin powers and seeing IPs would be better than you guessing at pre-cloak posts for 10 minutes, you feel me?


just do this


ah actually you might have a point, i'll tell him when he's awake


respectfully i dont want to play the guessing game because incognito removes (You) cookies and it will waste your time


bring back /z/.




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