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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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 No.2377[View All]

I want to merge /soy/ and /qa/. This time, I take full responsibility for the change.
There are a few reasons why I think it is a reasonable change:
>Soyposting is funner when it doesn't exist in a vacuum.
>NAS posting is funner when it doesn't exist in a vacuum.
>It is a richer experience to have all sorts of posting styles pitted against each other in a melting pot.
>You are allowed to post your autistic obsessions.
>You are allowed to laugh at said autistic obsessions.
>There is no ban or particular encouragement/discouragement for IAS or NAS implied by this change; i.e. no favoritism. You are free.
I hope this clarifies the reasoning and nature of the change. Leave any questions below.
145 posts and 32 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>implying mameson wasn't always brimstone and only good for baiting


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>he doesn't know about the secret board


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hwabag thoughie


there is no secret board i janny that site


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nufilename just dropped




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personally, i wouldn't have hired a touhou tranny


how is he hostile, hes been an active poster for a while


even then i bought the mamepass so i know there isn't any secret boards


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>personally, i wouldn't have hired a touhou tranny


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Why would you buy the mamepass when you can access it just by changing the url


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they were fine with me when i made a throwaway account to fuck with doll, but because i disliked their decision to hire a faggot they now deem me a kiwifarms tranny even though i dont even use the site


i've tried that multiple times and it doesn't work
i think you're lying


jannies here are so weak they cant handle a bit of criticissm from an active OC creating user without banning, incredible


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Another retarded decision by staff if those are not fake caps. I would've linked them my how to be unbothered manifesto as well, but that thread got slid off. Jannies, you should be laughing at this clown, not be ass-blasted by him. AND IF THESE ARE SHITPOST BANS, THEN IT'S ANOTHER FUCKING SHOW OF UNPROFESSIONALISM, WHEN WILL YOU LEARN? phew, this whole situation is kind of funny. maybe i should become like the shemstar and do drama reviews here, i'm so bored
sure thing, buddy


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>dont mention our tranny manager or you're getting a perma ban because you archived what we did on other sites
bro thinks he runs the sharty


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You guys still use this shit website? We've been on the marty for a while.


the sharty is way freer. i dont get banned for defending kuz anymore or calling doll a pedo for his searches on heyuri


I think we might actually need a new splinter.


anything worth effort will slide, shemmy isnt a place for anything but flower smeller spam




ban list is real though i wouldnt post that kiwifarms screenshot you'll probably get banned by the tranny manager too


imagine actually being that pathetic that you ban people stating facts about you


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>mfw keffals shut down their site again and we have kiwitards shitting up our log


^simps for the tranager award


actual sharty-tier


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im going to post my ban on kiwifarms because im the evil kiwifarms tranny or something, hope it makes you angry tranny manager


sharty used to ban me for explaining how doll slandered Kuz and how he is evil, now it leaves those posts up.
the sharty is actually freer than jaikacuz's shemmy


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>im going to post my ban on kiwifarms because im the evil kiwifarms tranny or something, hope it makes you angry tranny manager


posting in schizo thread on schizo site


Just to be clear. Feel free to bring this up. However, discussing the information inflammatorily is not productive. The ban reason reflects that. If you want to bring this up, do so in >>>/sgp/ in a civilized, reasonable manner.


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Anyway, this thread got a bit derailed.
I think the merge would've worked better in something like 2021, when there was still some small chance of saving all of those /qa/ posters, but now they've dispersed all over the Internet. And the nusoicacas just don't understand how it works. I guess you could advertise the shemmy, if this peculiar decision does go through, in a /hap/ thread on 4chan's /trash/ or something, but I seriously doubt it'll get any of the posters from there to move to here. I don't care much for losing my blogs, but I still think there should be a second, more serious board. If not for blogging, then at least for hobby/self-help posting. Losing all those effort posts, like the art resources one on /art/, doesn't feel nice. But let's see how this goes. I'm too unbothered to care about any major changes and just roll with it.


why do we have reddit >you must be polite and not inflame me! as a rule
isnt this a shitposting website that cares about free speech?
we need to use reddiquette in every post now?


i dont think /art/ should be locked on second thought, keep /fag/ but hide it


are you still trying this


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>discussing the information inflammatorily is not productive
this is a site about soyjaks, anyway maybe you shouldn't have hired a faggot tranny and banned everyone you don't like


im not the mymy spammer but why do we need to force everyone to be polite
shitposting website, you irl soyjak.


can you retarded faggot shit up sgp instead? why do you feel the need to make /soy/ your personal drama discord server?


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>>discussing the information inflammatorily is not productive
>this is a site about soyjaks, anyway maybe you shouldn't have hired a faggot tranny and banned everyone you don't like


you post exactly like him fuck off


i'm not him. i think when he posted the binky mymy it was creepy and gross


sorry sis this site is a jannysister playground now, no posting here without being in the jannycord is cucking yourself


i'm going to the sharty where you won't get banned for mocking janjan KEK


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i think you missed a few spots janny, get the broom


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>im going to post my ban on kiwifarms because im the evil kiwifarms tranny or something, hope it makes you angry tranny manager




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holy fucking kek this site is DEAD


>leave the site where you get banned for mocking jannies for the other site where you get banned for mocking jannies


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killed soygem.party award

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