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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
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File: 1717876615679.jpg (101.91 KB, 750x750, 1706990746803.jpg)


I noticed this site is steadily declining in quality and controlled by literal tranny jannies. As a shemmy oldfag, this cannot stand and a necessary solution is required.
Unironically, your site will improve if you applied the following changes:
- Banning avatarfags
- Banning every single Mossad asset
- Banning tranime
- Adding the following based and redpilled boards:
>/soy/ - Soyjaks
>/qresearch/ - Q Discussion
>/wo/ - Wojaks
>/groyp/ - Groyper
>/biz/ - Business and Finance
>/raid/ - Raiding
>/dox/ - Doxing
>/incel/ - Internet Celebrities
>/trump/ - Donald Trump
>/frogs/ - Pepe, Apu, & Other Frogs
>/doge/ - Doge Memes
>/doomer/ - Doomer
>/lm/ - Looksmaxxing Discussion
>/hitler/ - Adolf Hitler
>/fit/ - Fitness & Health
>/sp/ - Sports
- Banning Shareblue shills
- Hiring Nick Fuentes as the new manager
- Implementing TrumpFlare
- Implementing Trumpsuba to automatically boot kikes off the site based on how they type
- More memes like hanging trannyjaks
- Banning trannylarp and tranny boymoder memes
- Happy Merchants as the site's main gimmick, all soyjaks are contained to /soy/
- Replacing the godawful poorly made dustjak (Mameson) with Pepe as the mascot
- Banning tranny memes like "BBC", "twp", any of that nigger garbage
- Banning discord trannies
- Banning attention whores
- Banning cytube as it's used by kikes to harvest data
- Adding a link to The Daily Stormer to the topbar
- Sonnenrad on the homepage to filter out shills and subverters
- Encouraging more politics to be posted on the site
- Getting on the high grounds to defeat tranimefaggots from their IRC
- Implementing Trumpcha v0.88 (early access)
- Rebranding the site to polchan.com
- Banning bronies
- Banning zelligniggers
- Reminding the userbase to march on in the name of the White Race every 3 months
- Promoting Ben Garrison to admin
- Making a tribute to Nick Bougas (creator of Happy Merchant) as the site's momentum, hilarious meltdowns from kikes
- Banning goyslop shilling
- Banning kikespam
What do you think? Please take this as a consideration from one of your users who just wants to look at based Pepe memes without being distracted by kikes all day, your site would unironically attract more visitors and your PPH increased tenfold if you took my suggestion about de-kikeifying the shemmy (soon to be polchan) into consideration.
How did it even get this bad? We all came here to post politics, dunk on weabs and the soycucks, expose every Jewish lie being spread to the world, discuss looksmaxxing, look at gym memes, and dab on jannies. We didn't come here to be subjected to obnoxious low effort spam, tbp niggery, and general trannyism. Get your shit together and move along the way, ban every single aspect of s4shittery as that's what's ruining the site at the very given moment.
Fuck niggers and trannies, Sieg Heil.


Dumb frog poster


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>I noticed this site is steadily declining in quality and controlled by literal tranny jannies. As a shemmy oldfag, this cannot stand and a necessary solution is required.
>Unironically, your site will improve if you applied the following changes:
>- Banning avatarfags
>- Banning every single Mossad asset
>- Banning tranime
>- Adding the following based and redpilled boards:
>>/soy/ - Soyjaks
>>/qresearch/ - Q Discussion
>>/wo/ - Wojaks
>>/groyp/ - Groyper
>>/biz/ - Business and Finance
>>/raid/ - Raiding
>>/dox/ - Doxing
>>/incel/ - Internet Celebrities
>>/trump/ - Donald Trump
>>/frogs/ - Pepe, Apu, & Other Frogs
>>/doge/ - Doge Memes
>>/doomer/ - Doomer
>>/lm/ - Looksmaxxing Discussion
>>/hitler/ - Adolf Hitler
>>/fit/ - Fitness & Health
>>/sp/ - Sports
>- Banning Shareblue shills
>- Hiring Nick Fuentes as the new manager
>- Implementing TrumpFlare
>- Implementing Trumpsuba to automatically boot kikes off the site based on how they type
>- More memes like hanging trannyjaks
>- Banning trannylarp and tranny boymoder memes
>- Happy Merchants as the site's main gimmick, all soyjaks are contained to /soy/
>- Replacing the godawful poorly made dustjak (Mameson) with Pepe as the mascot
>- Banning tranny memes like "BBC", "twp", any of that nigger garbage
>- Banning discord trannies
>- Banning attention whores
>- Banning cytube as it's used by kikes to harvest data
>- Adding a link to The Daily Stormer to the topbar
>- Sonnenrad on the homepage to filter out shills and subverters
>- Encouraging more politics to be posted on the site
>- Getting on the high grounds to defeat tranimefaggots from their IRC
>- Implementing Trumpcha v0.88 (early access)
>- Rebranding the site to polchan.com
>- Banning bronies
>- Banning zelligniggers
>- Reminding the userbase to march on in the name of the White Race every 3 months
>- Promoting Ben Garrison to admin
>- Making a tribute to Nick Bougas (creator of Happy Merchant) as the site's momentum, hilarious meltdowns from kikes
>- Banning goyslop shilling
>- Banning kikespam
>What do you think? Please take this as a consideration from one of your users who just wants to look at based Pepe memes without being distracted by kikes all day, your site would unironically attract more visitors and your PPH increased tenfold if you took my suggestion about de-kikeifying the shemmy (soon to be polchan) into consideration.
>How did it even get this bad? We all came here to post politics, dunk on weabs and the soycucks, expose every Jewish lie being spread to the world, discuss looksmaxxing, look at gym memes, and dab on jannies. We didn't come here to be subjected to obnoxious low effort spam, tbp niggery, and general trannyism. Get your shit together and move along the way, ban every single aspect of s4shittery as that's what's ruining the site at the very given moment.
>Fuck niggers and trannies, Sieg Heil.


Groypers are fucking fags.


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As a Frenschan immigrant, I think these changes will help shape the website into the way it is and give it a better life.
I dont like the direction its currently heading to and frankly, these changes are to be substantial


do this


kys cord pedo


fuck this stupid coal


ultimate der cord idea


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look at the kike shills seething


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File: 1717954939315.png (366.55 KB, 634x650, two pepes kkking.png)

kike shill got so mad he replied 5 times


i have seen groypers being hypocrites with their leader nick fuentes being a filthy degenerate

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