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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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File: 1717046576612.png (153.63 KB, 781x453, when there's 'p on the cat….png)


can spam please be banned on /soy/ I'm tired of constantly wading through half-baked catty wipes just to look for what little actual content remains on here

>but it boosts pph!

that's like saying a car is going fast because it's falling off a cliff


File: 1717046745450.jpg (113.56 KB, 703x871, ClipboardImage.jpg)

>can spam please be banned on /soy/ I'm tired of constantly wading through half-baked catty wipes just to look for what little actual content remains on here
>*trans spacing*
>>but it boosts pph!
>that's like saying a car is going fast because it's falling off a cliff


File: 1717046995847.png (44.9 KB, 632x756, quite interesting.png)

The thing is, we're just trying to balance rulecucking with non rulecucking recently. I feel like we wouldn't be much better then the sharty in terms of that if we started to crack down a lot on spam. We already deal quite enough with the catalog spamming, the quote spam or whatever isn't as big as a deal from my perspective.
But if it is actually a problem that people are pissed off at i'd be willing to put a stop to said spam.


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File: 1717047221390-1.mp4 (1.1 MB, 420x360, ohnonononoono.mp4)

>nooo you cant make me infuriated in my cozy safe place thread or else ill go tell the jannies!!!!


File: 1717047304695.png (18.36 KB, 600x800, aaaaahhh.png)

>>nooo you cant make me infuriated in my cozy safe place thread or else ill go tell the jannies!!!!


File: 1717047412831.png (137.03 KB, 708x800, recovered 1.png)

>The thing is, we're just trying to balance rulecucking with non rulecucking recently. I feel like we wouldn't be much better then the sharty in terms of that if we started to crack down a lot on spam. We already deal quite enough with the catalog spamming, the quote spam or whatever isn't as big as a deal from my perspective.
>But if it is actually a problem that people are pissed off at i'd be willing to put a stop to said spam.


File: 1717047531753.gif (177.17 KB, 680x588, dsgjksdfv.gif)

>making people mad? shitting up their thread on /soy/? BANNED
>lolicon posting pedophile keeps spamming lolicon? GIVE HIM HIS OWN BOARD


File: 1717047569029.png (45.6 KB, 855x762, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1717047637908.png (36.1 KB, 855x762, 1716860193377.png)

>making people mad? shitting up their thread on /soy/? BANNED
>lolicon posting pedophile keeps spamming lolicon? GIVE HIM HIS OWN BOARD


leakiest clitty award


File: 1717047698436-0.png (122.6 KB, 954x337, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1717047698436-1.jpg (113.56 KB, 703x871, ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 1717047698436-2.mp4 (1.1 MB, 420x360, ohnonononoono.mp4)

>>making people mad? shitting up their thread on /soy/? BANNED
>>lolicon posting pedophile keeps spamming lolicon? GIVE HIM HIS OWN BOARD


File: 1717047712889.png (438.69 KB, 1280x871, 1708563345851.png)

>frogcucks are behind the spam

it all makes sense now


File: 1717047713756.png (264.25 KB, 785x788, i look like this.png)

I'll admit, that board was a horrible idea which we didn't expect to spiral out of control since it was mostly just a joke board, again we're trying to get better with balancing out rulecucking.
We're cracking down on the lolifaggot now after the whole mess with doll and the moderation was mostly wrapped up finally.


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File: 1717047819946-1.png (69.79 KB, 449x410, i knew it was wrong.png)

File: 1717047819946-2.png (16.78 KB, 449x410, recovered 2.png)

File: 1717047819946-3.png (250.79 KB, 713x558, ClipboardImage.png)

> making people mad? shitting up their thread on /soy/? BANNED
> lolicon posting pedophile keeps spamming lolicon? GIVE HIM HIS OWN BOARD


i understand i just hate loli niggers like you wouldnt believe, wtf else did you think was going to happen? the joke is he gets to talk about his toddler waifu? retarded ass nigger especially after you just went through drama over allowing lolicon


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Well, I can't speak on the behalf of my other staff members but, there are still issues within the staff that cause this unprofessionalism such as that to occur. This will not happen again though, really.


File: 1717048533766.gif (176.63 KB, 311x600, 5b5bd7bfbbe8d02d3efebc34e5….gif)

it's true
NASquoting is the new soyquoting. if you're this assmad just ignore the guy and hide his posts lelqeq


I guess xhe's behind all mymyspam


File: 1717051190129.gif (174.24 KB, 594x528, ack.gif)

alright then, I'm just gonna give up and get outta here

see you retarded niggers on the sharty


File: 1717051592408.png (22.8 KB, 605x560, mameson fuck off nigga.png)

Worst fucking bait ever kys



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