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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
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What boards would you like to see on our website?


/h/- hentai


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>What boards would you like to see on our website?


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we don't need new boards, improving /soy/ should be top priority because nobody posts outside of it and you guys refuse to move NAS threads to /qa/ or /b/ anyway


/mlg/ /ohio/ /SSS/ and /joker/


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Us having 3 random boards (>>>/b/, >>>/soy/, >>>/qa/) is quite a problem. I was thinking of merging /qa/ with either /soy/ or /b/.


do not


biggest fattest retarded nigger alive award



Improve /soy/
the joel obsessed booru schlogpedo spam is funny but it gets tiring after a while


nigga thinks this is 4cuck and we need 23 different boards for things nobody cares about


honestly merge /qa/ and /b/
>both dead
>the /qa/schizo (only user of /qa/) probably won’t care
>more accurate to true /qa/


worst ideas ever award.


>move nonsense posts to /qa/
>stop the mymy spammer
>start making soysphere happening threads again
that simple


I can see you guys samefagging, btw.

>>start making soysphere happening threads again
You should, the administration's job is to moderate, not post.
>>stop the mymy spammer
He's not breaking any rules.
>>move nonsense posts to /qa/
We are not planning to rulecuck /soy/ more than it already is.


dont touch qa
nobody cares about b


>He’s not breaking any rules.
Rule 8.
>We are not planning to rule cuck /soy/ more than it already is.
/soy/ at its core is meant for soi, having 90% of it being garbage nobody but the schizo op can understand shits up the board
>You should, the administration’s job is to moderate, not post.
>I can see you guys samefagging, btw.
You got a problem?


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>I can see you guys samefagging, btw.


>/soy/ at its core is meant for soi, having 90% of it being garbage nobody but the schizo op can understand shits up the board
Me and Lee are the ones deciding what /soy/ is for.


the literal whom and the guy who allowed blacked porn on the gembooru yeah alright


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Nice admin you guys have


doesn’t say anything about the mymy spammer
don’t get how soyquoting every post isn’t excessive spam but kay xister


>people start to say things against nuadmin
>they immediately move it
I just kek


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Find a way to encourage people to put their seriousposts/NAS-centered threads on /qa/ without having to rulecuck /soy/. This will also help make it active enough so people think it's worth using.
Also, add back /x/, or whatever our equivalent of it would be.
This should be a shitpost haven like the sharty's /soy/ used to be, not like #general in some Discord server. Of course it should remain IAS which is why I suggested the /qa/ thing, but don't take it too seriously.


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wtf man


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add /sap/ - Duplicate audio player fixed


literally all board management advice is like this


why did i delete that post, i may be disabled. idk how i managed that


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Ok konata


/g/ - Technology and OS Shitflinging Wars

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