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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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File: 1716835041783.gif (2.38 MB, 498x280, we-dont-do-that-here-blackā€¦.gif)


>i hecking love le old internetz culture dude i wish i browsed 4chan before 2016
unpin the gay 4cuck oldfag larp shit from /soy/ thank you


File: 1716848394884.png (144.3 KB, 680x680, ClipboardImage (1).png)

>>i hecking love le old internetz culture dude i wish i browsed 4chan before 2016
>unpin the gay 4cuck oldfag larp shit from /soy/ thank you


gemmy gif gemmy post


2016 was almost 16 years ago doe


technically true if you round up from 8.5 to 16


File: 1716849040535.png (40.01 KB, 855x762, ClipboardImage.png)

>2016 was almost 16 years ago doe

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