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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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File: 1716202377759.png (231.95 KB, 792x612, 817B8F6C-AE38-44B5-87A9-3F….png)


I am PINGAS man and I would like to thank you for buying this horrrrible website and making it better. I wish for you the best running this website, as your work for soyjak.party in rrreality was outstanding. If I was admin, I would give you Prrromotion! So have fun here. - PINGAS MAN!


pingas man you're my favorite namefag


File: 1716215689523.png (166.66 KB, 1550x1012, 2C5B6AF3-3569-45D2-8E12-6B….png)

Why thank you. That means a lot.


go front


Biggest nigger award

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