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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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File: 1715558770661.png (295.75 KB, 785x1000, fleshmouth.png)


j*nnies stop deleting shit for no reason


not all of us… some really retarded one I bet… either doddermodd yeji or lee(MOD RULE 1)


looks like doddermod to me


it could be people deleting their own posts though


File: 1715559208282.jpg (23.98 KB, 800x796, giga stare.jpg)


who is responsible for the other deleted posts then


i am


stop being gay


stop projecting


i am not a tranny janny you are
svvt rape him for being a shitty janny


who said im a tranitor retard?


so you are just a tranny, glad we cleared that up


everyone above is obsessed with jannyGODS

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