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/qa/ - Question & Answer

Password (For file deletion.)

Here's a question: did /qa/ win or lose?

File: 1728213931793.jpg (15.62 KB, 236x224, aaagh.jpg)




The only only way way I I could could be be to to go go get get some some thing thing and and I I have have a


I don’t don’t know know what what is is it it is is it it was was it it was was a a little little bit bit of of a a little little something something like like a a little little thing thing like like a a lot lot of of a a lot


built for big DOLL cock


The The Big Big Lie Lie by the Left Left Wing Wing of of the the Left Left is is a a lie lie and and it it is is a a joke joke and and it it was was a a joke joke I I am am a a joke joke but but I I am am I I am


File: 1728214607151-0.png (8.34 KB, 1070x93, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1728214607151-1.gif (1.33 MB, 512x512, chud licking his lips.gif)

>he doesn't know


File: 1728214784810.png (37.33 KB, 1049x94, Screen Shot 2024-10-06 at ….png)

Hey, that's my post o algo. It works thoughbeit, I just managed to make a post on /soy/.


File: 1728215670903.gif (66.4 KB, 775x849, neutralcob blinking.gif)

you fucking shitskin nigger made quote start bot spamming us again


Not my problem, my name is not Quote.


File: 1728215884781.png (311.7 KB, 822x537, trump built for BKC.png)

>>>190912 (You)
>Not my problem, my name is not Quote.


stop posting this strange gif

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