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/qa/ - Question & Answer

Password (For file deletion.)

New rule changes dropped, basically the same as what we've been doing for a while. Still important to take a look at if you care. Feel free to scream at us if you don't like them.

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ill talk meta here since i dont want to take a giant dump on /soy/ and /sgp/ feels like a ghost town already even before your thread is buried under five stickies.
we've had a lot of demoralization posting here lately and it seems like a lot of people have left, but the situation doesnt actually seem too bad. the only big problem left in my opinion is bidenflare. by restricting posting only to people who laready have their IP on /soy/, it makes the whole site look more like a trooncord server than an imageboard. i understand the slower boards like this one (and really every single one except /soy/) has older threads which you wouldnt want to lose, but if /soy/ gets wiped nobody will really care since at the end of the day the important things are mostly archived on archive.today and can just be remade.
what im suggesting is turning off bidenflare on /soy/, /qa/ and 'hio but leaving it on for the slow effortposting/meta boards, /art/ and /sgp/ specifically. obviously, its useful to have as a panic button for specific botspam attacks, but shit like what happened about 3 days ago, where bidenflare was left on for a full day and many people couldnt post, was just pathetic.
for example on another imageboard i recommended this place to somebody. i had gone about a day without posting and he had never posted here before. i told him to join me on this board to make a chatting thread with trips and he couldnt even make a post lol. it made him turn pretty sour against the whole site because of it and still he doesnt want to come here even now.
tldr bidenflare's gay when it's on for longer than 10 minutes on /soy/ or /qa/


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Agreed but I'm not a janny so I'm not sure how dire the bot attacks are. In my opinion if it's that bad you could only leave it on if there's nobody to clean it up like the password system in bantculture but even then it makes the site look more like a 'cord which is still bad and keeping bidenflare on the more serious boards is definitely a good solution

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