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New rule changes dropped, basically the same as what we've been doing for a while. Still important to take a look at if you care. Feel free to scream at us if you don't like them.

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 No.188745[Last 50 Posts]

fluttershy thread


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obsessed clipboardimage cuck


i was only joking don't kill yourself


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finally a good board


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>obsessed clipboardimage cuck
looks like we finally have a way to refer to you, lil bro


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mfw an anti-shemmite tries to ungood my vibe


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it never leaves me


unbelievably obsessed behavior
i own you anyways, i own this board
this is ALL ME
have fun buttserschotch


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mfw a pro-shemmite tries to good my vibe


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less threads more meds


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great record


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remember to keep fit guys


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this reminded me to do my exercises, thanks


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be careful to all animals


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eat ze bug?


>ponyhomecuckyaoikuromiclipboardimageblogcord have their own board now
so wholesome, good luck with your transition gals
i'm out




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holy shit


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okay i'm back
these threads are 100% trans queen-free
uuuh… seethe.? man i can't be bothered to come up with snarky responses right now


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mfw i raid and 'p gets posted


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mfw uuuuuh fuck


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so eepy rn


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me by the end of this hour


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this image is very true by the way. we are all in essence the same beings, the same tricks performed to fool us all. all the same needs to survive and breed
all the same multiple personalities in your head
some bluds think that acting different in different places is anything to write home about, but literally everyone on the planet does that


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tbh seeing them together makes me go daaaaaw


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people, they always change to be in accordance with their surroundings. you are never static, you are never the same
can you say you are the same person you were a year ago? a month? a week?
they are the two most feminine characters, they have a bond


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okay i'm speaking nonsense again
it's, uh, lame


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this is pretty relaxing
just posting fluttershy after doing arm exercises. i've been thinking, what is better to do, do them until a specific count or an amount of time passes


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i guess we can post until the 100 get or so


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i think there is sorcery you can perform to make yourself act the way you want to - the question is, is there a universal way or does each person need a personalized approach, or is it a mix of both
why not


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probably a mix of both


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soy song covers make me melt by overjoying well you call me autistic or obsessed or too affected, but maybe i'm having it the good way, instead of seethe it's lots of good emotions
i noticed that if you announce publically that you'll do something, you are more likely to do it, and the guy's book gave me a realization of why it happens. wee need to follow what we set ourselves up as, because a flaky person is not to be trusted and you need to keep it to keep the bad thoughts away it makes it easier to thing


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my phone just rebooted out of nowhere for literally no reason
it's going insane because of large standard applications or some bullshit


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my head is filled with random shit
just so much random stuff
did you know that if you photograph radioactive objects, there will be tiny white dot artifacts on the photo. it's the particles of radiation piercing through your device. everyone probably knows this, especially a person who likes imageboards


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i might be wrong because i'm no physician take no things said here for granted


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yeah, i do know about this
my camera sometimes makes random dots that can be seen later on photos, but they can't be noticed until you look really closely. those aren't radiation dots, but they are still dots on the photos


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i never EVER noticed that hand on the bottom right corner
what's it doing there


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random shit in my head because i'm pretentious
that's how you talk
the weight of the world is a hard one to solve. i feel like some of these things my noggin was not supposed to be joggin. it's just so weird, all these concepts i came up with to understand the world
i call the difference between man and women "eternal divide". maybe we need to be more understanding, maybe it's hard-set. i don't hate any one gender, but this intrigues me, the mystery, of what life is like for the other
oho, didn't know they can be on normal photos


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/mlp/ won


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fuuuuuuuuuck i just have love for things in the world
idealized images in my head
they're so cute
they're so lovable
i wish more empathy towards the


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those dots appear only on my camera and not on my phone camera for example, i believe that these are focus dots or whatever, you know, those points that could help it to focus
i also believe that everyone no matter their gender has their own view on living. but i guess gender kind of helps to share some views in common
i'm not making much sense of here sorry i'm too eepy asjkfakfasjk
but i believe that people should be more understanding towards each other


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na na naaaaaaaaaaaah na na naah


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okay it's wonder
not never sure of things said uh
mods, jans might be going crazy
multi-faceted people
like i said
they change, never the same
they might be crazy, over how different some posters are. maybe not. probably not. some are. they are. a
so, it is usually said by bros that women are weaker. but don't they think about how locked in they are? why don't incels and chicks bond over the fact they were fucked over by nature. oh wait, both just troon out if they think about it + social trends push them to. but at the same time the eternal divide can you make you feel depressed if you think about it too much. this mystery is tragic somewhat, so let's change the topic

so how was your weekend


na na boo boo?


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it was pretty good, i had a walk today. i visited my favorite place as well
i hope tomorrow would be a nice day as well


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my cousin's 3 year old son almost died in a car crash today


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when you sleep


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fecal? fecal teen?
nice. i didn't do much today. just rotted in bed reading a book. also went to the shop today, because sitting at home is just too boring
woah, that's concerning. how did it happen


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reading books is good
i was walking by a book shop today, and my eye caught a book about eastern european cars. i wanted to enter the shop and look for something but i got carried away by other things that had to be done


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5 more posts
or 4 even


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ooh, a book about cars. i lack a lot of knowledge on these technical things, and sometimes i wish to learn more about things like cars, computers, or history
funny thing, history is my least favorite "science" for how shakily defined it is. our history professor once said that each historian will have a different interpretation of how a certain event played out, and this lack of hard definitive fact is what i dislike about it, which is why i was slacking off on getting into, and i should, after all, one who does not know their past has no future


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woman coming in from the side on the intersection (heckin' fast)
hit the back of the car where the kid was sitting
car flipped
luckily the kid was in one of those safety seats, so they were both fine. not sure what happened to the woman, hope she's doing fine.
don't know that much actually
didn't even know they had a 3 year old son, last time i checked they only had a daughter who i didn't know existed for a long time either
for some reason i'm never informed about new additions to MY family
but at least they're fine
poor kid's probably never gonna want to get in a car again
but who cares right
you don't care so i don't know why i'm saying anything


i am sorry for taking your digits
it wasn't intentional i promise


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you are right, no reason to lie, i will probably forget about this story after a short while
i can record it in my notebook though
would it be needed?
it's unknown
these stories do remind me of how normal people live
it's nice to be reminded of things are supposed to be
issa an /mlp/ fail


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i'm going to be honest, i was kinda interested in history, and i agree, the fact that each historian interprets things differently really sucks and kills the objectivity of learning it
i might wanna learn more how cars are constructed and working. i don't know if i will be a driver one day, but if i will, i think i might need to know how a car works from a technical point of view
it's okay bro
i'm sorry for what happened, it's good that members of your family are safe and sound


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/mlp/ fluttershy schizo


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i wonder with history when it stops being reasonable and becomes autism, like remembering each specific detail about something, and having these insane debates with people over something that cannot be known for sure. there are also some lies in history, another thing that makes it unappealing. can i trust anything? where does one start to get the most accurate and real retelling?
engines, mechanisms, on the other hand, are pretty fascinating. it's really interesting, almost like magic, how these things work. yeah you probably do need to know how these things work if you want to drive. my dad, evendoe badly, was capable of fixing the car himself if it wasn't anything serious


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this edit is very cute
i need to go to sleep now. i might reply to anything new you have to say tomorrow


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at least car mechanics knowledge is useful
have a good night
i'll just post some more arts and go to sleep as well


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i cri


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>more pph than /soy/
/mlp/ won.


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100th reply


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what is it with this funky trend of making eyes all watery


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magic numbers


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dunno honestly
lole nice


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i don't know if i post it here or in the rarity thread
i guess i'll post it here


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oh noooo they're closing /mlp/


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CLurienBEBUioed Iameeg odt PNG


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File: 1727460272770.png (1.84 MB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

me watching the shemmy getting botspammed


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Sucy mogs doe




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>dot png


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>obsessed clipboardimage cuck


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time isn't holding up
time isn't after us


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my head hurts
my throat is sore
my kidney hurts
my back hurts
i'm cold
i'm falling apart shemmy


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i want fluttershy to hug me and say to me that everything will be alright


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this concludes my fluttershy posting for today because of the circumstances i'm not

<[reddit spacing]

telling you soygem sorry :(



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everything's fine now but i'll upload the last pic for today and then go back to bed
i feel too exhausted to post anything right now

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