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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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New rule changes dropped, basically the same as what we've been doing for a while. Still important to take a look at if you care. Feel free to scream at us if you don't like them.

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le tme in…..


also someone tell this answer-seeking aryan that realpakk_ drew it pretty please… but if you're furrypornphobic then dont visit his xitter account because i think he left the soysphere and he's drawing furry porn at the goyment….ack


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oh that was me. yeah, that style was also reminiscent of a furfag. should've guessed that as well… the soy artist lore gets crazy
it's over we can't talk about our autistic obsession with soyjaks anymore what else is there to live for?


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awesome sauce or however the stars aligned
mmmmmmmmm as for the brapflare im just gonna wait it out
they cant keep me out forever…orsomething
no idea if bidenflare's gonna keep me from posting on /art/ but i have liek two drawings at the goyment. if not ill just post them in this thread
also that looks freaking #AWESOME! i look exactly like that!
no idea if you read some of the wordswordswords in the paragraph that one of the jannies so graciously deleted, but im planning on getting soyjak stuff or sometjig (most probably hairclips)
but i found another site that offers bracelets and i came up with picrel. i have to use cmyk colors instead of rgb colors so its probably gonna look a little muddy & i'll probably make the lines bolder so they dont look weird but das aight crakka…
i think i joined the sharty during the soyumvirate phase, maybe a monthish after froot was there (newGOD behavior), so its like. honoring the three fags that im most familiar with
ill probably make a better piece of concept art later but yeahahaha


i think mein subconscious wanted to make something based on the drawing of angeleno, doll, and froot
specifically the one with doll holding condoms


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>shemmy if stopping bot attacks was a test
niceo. i don't really have much to show myself. i am still making that soyjak dating simulator doey. right now i'm figuring out how to make the dialogs really really branching while still having readable and nagivationable code. i want to give the player a lot of freedom, you will not only be able to rizz the variants up, but also insult them and bully them. i was making if i could also add a "personality type" system. this is how it works: you get certain personality type points if you choose certain dialog options, and later in the game it'll give you the ability to choose a branch based on that personality that the player supposedly has. so if you get enough "forceful personality" points, you'll be able to i dunno, be forceful to a character, maybe even rapey rape xhem
but i think this is getting too elaborate for a silly shitpost game, i think i'll drop this idea for now
>i think i joined the sharty during the soyumvirate phase, maybe a monthish after froot was there (newGOD behavior), so its like. honoring the three fags that im most familiar with
i missed out on most sharty admin bullshit and only ever managed to see soot in action. he's just average, not the saint people make him out to be, just normal. but from all this hear say, phew, i gotta say some of these admins are interesting characters
that's ohio but the drawing is epic


holy fuck was i braindead when i wrote this
i was thinking if*



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