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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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New rule changes dropped, basically the same as what we've been doing for a while. Still important to take a look at if you care. Feel free to scream at us if you don't like them.

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ITT: we discuss various drumsets, sticks, techniques, mixing, transcripts, etc.

I bought a 5-piece Ludwig Classic Maple earlier this year, I quite like the toms in particular, it has the feel of surf rock.


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>Drumming General
>ITT: we discuss various drumsets, sticks, techniques, mixing, transcripts, etc.
>I bought a 5-piece Ludwig Classic Maple earlier this year, I quite like the toms in particular, it has the feel of surf rock.




How the fuck do I tune drums? Seriously, nobody told me


Buy a drum key (cheap as shit at any music store), loosen and remove the tension rods, take off the rim and head, clean the inside of it, seal the new head in with rims and all and then punch it in, tighten the rods so the tension is even across the entire drum. Do the top side first for the snare and the bottom first for toms.


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Yes, I have done all of this, but even tension doesn't always sound good. I need to tune them to some sort of interval or they don't sound right .


even tension alone*
I'm not suggesting I should be tuning it unevenly, I just think there's more to it


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Well that's just the standard practice, it's not necessary nor applicable to every drum. The point is to get it to sound how you want it to and you aren't doing anything wrong as far as I know. Even loosening the heads of the toms until they're easy to break is considered ideal for certain sounds.


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Damn, I'll give it another try today with this in mind, thank you.


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Drumming is fun, holy shit.


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i have an e-guitar, should we make a soy band?


checked do this


we make songs about nintendo o algo


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I have a recording studio in my home with a pretty old synthesizer. How would we go about this? Would we record everything individually and overdub them onto eachother?


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Most likely it can't be done any other way, besides overdubbing (even doe we can record live, but what's the difference anyway). Also I'm relatively new to this and don't know much of those musical letters or sheets/notes/chords or any other sharts.
You're the drum guy, right? I did a casual recording for a test. You can add drums on top of it or something, maybe something will come out, or however it's being done usually




Ooooh, what kind of synth do you have?
I have a Korg 01/w FD, it's pretty nice but I need to get a stuck key fixed.

I think between all of us, we have the instruments to play this song (and maybe we could collaborate on the harmony at the end), if you were all interested. Other suggestions are fine, of course, it might be easier than writing something from the ground for our first song

NTA but you have great tone, do you know how to play by ear, or do you think you could figure out a simple walking bass line?


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I got a Korg Pa50 as a Christmas gift when I was young and taught myself to play over the course of several years, never upgraded beyond it. I'm very technically skilled and I've "written" a few good melodies but my fingering is incredibly unorthodox and I can't read music.


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don't die yet

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