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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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New rule changes dropped, basically the same as what we've been doing for a while. Still important to take a look at if you care. Feel free to scream at us if you don't like them.

File: 1727037122718.png (411.95 KB, 727x697, middleschoolgraduation.png)


Rare lee on the 'log


Is that paul mccartney?


File: 1727121908275.png (148.46 KB, 723x861, shemmycuck with her husban….png)

>>>188301 (OP)
>Is that paul mccartney?


Nobody looks like this


File: 1727122965399.png (531.95 KB, 1357x807, 1625056405721.png)

I think this one might be rare too



File: 1727153981862.jpg (95.48 KB, 400x400, i-am-confused.jpg)


two albums on albums ending tracks that i feel to potray related axioms involving human thing with similar progessions and further closing tracks "ruler of everything" "right in two"
"hidden in the sand" "viginti tres"
i listned to both albums before multiable times and are familiar with them


wtf lee and chud crossober

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